The Stepping Stones of Life
Life is one journey of many stages, hence the stepping stones of life.
Each event colours your growth and leads you along to the next stage of progression.
If you were to have a bag of stones for each step that you took you would find that you have been able to 'travel around the world' many times.
An individual movement forward, a step is but an advancement of wisdom.
Sometimes the forward movement is good and other times difficult but all lead you onwards to your goal.
What is your goal? Progression within your earthly life of course! Learn to live and to expand your knowledge and your horizons enabling you to constantly move onwards and upwards in your understanding.
There are always perplexing moments within the great journey of life, which is what makes it all more exciting.
However, it is your attitude to that which is arduous that is the governing factor, how do you suffer it or do you grow through and with it? When you can embrace your own existence with joy and strength then the journey of the stepping stones becomes an interesting exercise.
To take 'one step at a time' is the most sensible and logical application for you cannot take two steps at once, not really.
Sometimes you might consider 'jumping ahead' but that is when you could perhaps 'stumble'.
Remember that each step takes you towards the other so look at where you are going, enjoy the journey and remember that there is always an end which brings you to a new beginning.
A beginning is always the journey to the end to once again take a fresh step into the newness of the journey.
Life does not have to be complicated; we only make it that way.
For some the hardship is tangible, for others the ease is enviable, but that is what life is all about difference.
If each day were the same it would be boring, or so we are told! Movement and application of learning is what is required for growth.
Difficult times bring on gaining of strength which in turn bring acceptance of responsibility.
We govern our own reaction to what is happening to us and we gather knowledge by how we deal with it.
Any difficulty can be overcome with perseverance, a personal difficulty that is.
Most of our suffering is to do with our emotions or at least our reactions to what is happening to us and around us.
By using the 'stepping stones for life' attitude each individual is able to take..
one step at a time...
and therefore move gently forward understanding why they find themselves in a complex situation.
Embrace your bag of stones with joy and remember that there is always another stone to step on to and up to.
Each event colours your growth and leads you along to the next stage of progression.
If you were to have a bag of stones for each step that you took you would find that you have been able to 'travel around the world' many times.
An individual movement forward, a step is but an advancement of wisdom.
Sometimes the forward movement is good and other times difficult but all lead you onwards to your goal.
What is your goal? Progression within your earthly life of course! Learn to live and to expand your knowledge and your horizons enabling you to constantly move onwards and upwards in your understanding.
There are always perplexing moments within the great journey of life, which is what makes it all more exciting.
However, it is your attitude to that which is arduous that is the governing factor, how do you suffer it or do you grow through and with it? When you can embrace your own existence with joy and strength then the journey of the stepping stones becomes an interesting exercise.
To take 'one step at a time' is the most sensible and logical application for you cannot take two steps at once, not really.
Sometimes you might consider 'jumping ahead' but that is when you could perhaps 'stumble'.
Remember that each step takes you towards the other so look at where you are going, enjoy the journey and remember that there is always an end which brings you to a new beginning.
A beginning is always the journey to the end to once again take a fresh step into the newness of the journey.
Life does not have to be complicated; we only make it that way.
For some the hardship is tangible, for others the ease is enviable, but that is what life is all about difference.
If each day were the same it would be boring, or so we are told! Movement and application of learning is what is required for growth.
Difficult times bring on gaining of strength which in turn bring acceptance of responsibility.
We govern our own reaction to what is happening to us and we gather knowledge by how we deal with it.
Any difficulty can be overcome with perseverance, a personal difficulty that is.
Most of our suffering is to do with our emotions or at least our reactions to what is happening to us and around us.
By using the 'stepping stones for life' attitude each individual is able to take..
one step at a time...
and therefore move gently forward understanding why they find themselves in a complex situation.
Embrace your bag of stones with joy and remember that there is always another stone to step on to and up to.