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Magic Pill Society

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If you look around at our society you will quickly see a very concerning phenomenon that has been arising in the last couple of decades.
This ongoing idea is getting stronger and stronger and people have started believing it and accepting it as the absolute truth.
The phenomenon in question is the idea of the Magic pill.
We have slowly turned into a magic pill society.
A society where no one is willing to put in the effort and work needed to gain their desired results, instead they spend massive amounts of time searching and searching in hope of finding a magic pill solution that will fulfill their goals in the matter of days or even minutes.
This is a very dangerous tendency as magic pills simply don't exist! I am not saying that you need to work hard for everything, but there is a difference between putting in the effort and persistence in order to reach a goal and just thinking it will magically land in your lap.
A great example is the fitness industry.
So many people today are obese and want to lose weight and constantly look for the next quick fix solution to fix their problem.
You even see people that are not mortally obese get surgery to lose weight, surgery that in reality can lead to potential death - that is how lazy we have become.
The answer is ALWAYS simple and it is simply about ignoring all the quick fix methods and continuously educate yourself, while still focusing on the basics.
The basics are always the answer.
In the example of losing weight, you will just have to follow the basic principle of eating fewer calories than you burn.
You don't even need to work out in order to lose weight, as long as you follow this very simple principle.
I am not saying to work hard just for the sake of working hard.
Once you master the basics you can easily streamline your work processes regardless of which are of your life they are in and optimize your work so you get fast results with the least amount of work.
But this is only after you have mastered the basics.
You can't build a house without a foundation and you always need to think about what the basic steps to fixing your problem are.
Forget the idea of the quick fix and don't accept the notion of the magic pill society, it will lead you from door to door for many years and in the end leave you emotionally and physically drained with no visible results to show for all your "work".

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