Tomorrow Will Be A Better Day - Light Is On The Horizon
On any given day, there are people who are happy because all is well in their lives.
There are people who are celebrating their accomplishments and dreams.
There are new births that bring joy.
There are new business ventures and so on.
On that very day however, there are people who are in darkness.
That means that they are experiencing trouble in their lives due to internal and external factors, and they cannot see a way out.
Is that where you are currently? If not, thank God! But is there someone you know that might be in a place of darkness? I remember being in such a place some years back.
I know what it is like to go to bed each night and having this prevailing feeling in my soul that tomorrow is not going to be better.
And then each night to keep myself from sinking into depression I had to prevail against those thoughts with a contrary thought that it will be Okay.
Without my Anchor, I could have drifted away into despair.
Where are you today? Is it a day of light or darkness? Understand that Time may bring in trouble with its tide but it also brings relief.
If you think of Life as a "Sea", think of Time as the atmosphere.
One of the layers of the atmosphere is the troposphere, which is responsible for our weather changes.
I use that analogy of time to show that weather patterns are not permanent.
Neither is the darkness you are in.
There is light on the horizon.
Tomorrow will be a better day! As difficult as it may be, as hopeless as you may feel, time will bring a change to the situation.
Now before that change comes, it more important how you are sustained during the time of darkness.
Remember my Anchor from earlier? That Anchor happens to be my Lord Jesus Christ, who has promised, "I will never leave you nor forsake you.
" It does not mean that I did not feel the pain, it means that I had something to hold on to when it felt like I was losing my footing.
However there are some who may have no faith or no truth that they can rely on.
Are you one who has no one? How would you make it through the darkness? Well the one thing you can have is hope.
Let me define Hope.
It is an assurance of something you are anticipating.
It is not wishful thinking.
Be assured that light is on the horizon.
The two things that are certain in the storms of life is that there is a beginning and an end.
The real issue is what happens during the storm.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Hang in there!
There are people who are celebrating their accomplishments and dreams.
There are new births that bring joy.
There are new business ventures and so on.
On that very day however, there are people who are in darkness.
That means that they are experiencing trouble in their lives due to internal and external factors, and they cannot see a way out.
Is that where you are currently? If not, thank God! But is there someone you know that might be in a place of darkness? I remember being in such a place some years back.
I know what it is like to go to bed each night and having this prevailing feeling in my soul that tomorrow is not going to be better.
And then each night to keep myself from sinking into depression I had to prevail against those thoughts with a contrary thought that it will be Okay.
Without my Anchor, I could have drifted away into despair.
Where are you today? Is it a day of light or darkness? Understand that Time may bring in trouble with its tide but it also brings relief.
If you think of Life as a "Sea", think of Time as the atmosphere.
One of the layers of the atmosphere is the troposphere, which is responsible for our weather changes.
I use that analogy of time to show that weather patterns are not permanent.
Neither is the darkness you are in.
There is light on the horizon.
Tomorrow will be a better day! As difficult as it may be, as hopeless as you may feel, time will bring a change to the situation.
Now before that change comes, it more important how you are sustained during the time of darkness.
Remember my Anchor from earlier? That Anchor happens to be my Lord Jesus Christ, who has promised, "I will never leave you nor forsake you.
" It does not mean that I did not feel the pain, it means that I had something to hold on to when it felt like I was losing my footing.
However there are some who may have no faith or no truth that they can rely on.
Are you one who has no one? How would you make it through the darkness? Well the one thing you can have is hope.
Let me define Hope.
It is an assurance of something you are anticipating.
It is not wishful thinking.
Be assured that light is on the horizon.
The two things that are certain in the storms of life is that there is a beginning and an end.
The real issue is what happens during the storm.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Hang in there!