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It"s a Lovely Day Today

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Today is a great day.
First of all it's the Sunday of a Bank Holiday weekend.
Secondly, the sun is shining and the countryside looks beautiful.
Thirdly its the last weekend of summer as the clocks go back next week.
I love the autumn and the spring.
Winter can be very very cold and I hate it when my hands get cold.
I suffer from a lack of circulation in my fingers and sometimes they turn white and burn.
Autumn is a time to take stock of where you are going and take some time for yourself.
During the summer there are lots of things going on, weddings, parties, visits to relatives.
The same thing applies at Christmas.
I like the in between times when things are just ticking over, there are no big projects to start, the kids are back at school and settled in there and everything seems to have its own rhythm.
I know that a lot of people tend to get Seasonally Affected Disorder (SADs) from a lack of sunlight around the month of November and a large number of suicides occur in the springtime.
But although I too miss the long days, there is a sense of snuggling up, keeping warm, staying indoors and slowing down a little.
This morning when I got up to let the dog out it was still dark but I was able to see where I was going because of the light of the moon.
I love that.
Before I went to bed I last night I noticed that the moon was shining through the blinds and it was a very clear night.
The morning was cold, frosty and crisp and I tend to feel alive on days like this.
It is sunny and bright but not heavy weather, like we often have in the summertime.
Then myself and a friend went for a bike ride - it just took about 40 minutes but it was lovely.
I think that there is nothing like a ride on your bike for putting you in good form.
The trees look lovely at this time of year.
Mind you cycling can hurt your legs a bit on the way up the hills.
We met a local farmer feeding his cattle on the way and stopped for a minute to have a word with him.
To those people who are suffering from anxiety and depression I would say Please Get Up and Walk Out of Your House.
Don't stay indoors watching TV all day long because you haven't the energy to go outside.
The hard bit is putting on your coat and going out the door.
When you are out you might meet a friend or neighbour and pass the time of day.
I find that the fresh air, the exercise and looking at nature really help me to be in the right frame of mind to meet life head on and I would encourage other people to do the same.

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