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Let Go Of Fear And Embrace Self Acceptance

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I have an opportunity to meet one of my client over a cup of tea one afternoon.
My client has successfully secured a job and she has been working with the company for over five months.
When I asked her how she has been coping at her new place, she shared that although she is blessed with an understanding and kind boss, she feels that she is not good enough for the job.
She is quick to add that it is not her boss's impression or indication that she is not performing well, she told me that her boss thinks she is an above average worker and had asked her to manage a small team, however, she thinks otherwise and feels she is not well equipped to undertake the task.
Some of us suffer from the lack of self-acceptance.
At times, we feel that we are never good enough, we may retreat from an opportunity as we feel that we might not be able to perform perfectly or that someone is better than us in many ways.
Personally, I am one of them, when I was in school, I was given an opportunity to be the class prefect to take charge of the class, however, feeling inadequate and lack of courage, I respectfully turned down my teacher's offer.
In adulthood and in my working life, I am humbled and given an opportunity to manage teams as a team leader, again, I respectfully turned down, however, this time the scenario is different from my school days, my boss will not take no for an answer.
Dutifully, I see it as a divine responsibly that I need to fulfill.
With God's guidance, I began to invest my time and make efforts to learn about leadership and personal development because I believe that in order for me to be an effective leader capable of influencing people, I need to acquire valuable insights on gaining the influence I need to add value to the lives of others.
I read books and listen to audio books by John C Maxwell, Robin Sharma and Jim Rohn and many great leaders to enhance and develop my abilities.
As I progressed along, I began to feel connected and bonded with my team members.
Each with their own unique and special personality, they brought with them different sets of purpose and enthusiasm towards a certain projects.
Their uniqueness brings fun to the team and working with them has been a joyful experience.
Needless to say, there are inevitable challenges as well as sweet successes as each of us strive to achieve endeavors together, however, we somehow managed to focus on taking baby steps in solving problems and turning a potential set of challenges into unexpected opportunity.
Besides, life's challenges add colors, make us grow and stretch our imaginations (and muscles) that we may not know exist.
I am sincerely and deeply grateful for the experiences I have had with my team members and colleagues.
Lessons I have learned through my personal experiences and am privileged to share with my client are: 1) Stop the need to be perfect.
Striving to improve daily is more important than perfection.
Research shows that perfectionism hampers success and often leads to anxiety, depression and missed opportunities.
There is a crack in everything, at most times, crack lets the light gets in.
Mistakes give us an opportunity to learn and grow.
2) It is okay to be vulnerable To be able to be authentic and vulnerable is an act of courage.
It is okay to make mistake or to fail, what matters is we must own up and take responsibility for our actions.
Respect and trust are gained through consistent act of authenticity.
3) Do not compare yourself with others Each of us are divinely created in our own special ways.
Comparing yourself with others will only induce stress.
Ultimately,other people's opinion of you are not as important as the opinion you have of yourself.
The key to contentment and happiness is to focus on the good in life and develop a sense of appreciation for the things and people in our lives.
4) Embrace change Knowing that I am not perfect, I seek to learn continuously.
Change may be difficult, however, not able to embrace change can be fatal.
Our world is constantly evolving, so must we, doing the difficult things we have never done before may awaken the potential we never knew we had.
Go beyond what is logical, practical, what people believe is impossible.
In a nutshell, we need to learn self acceptance and acknowledge our vulnerability.
Try not to measure your life just by your net worth or material assets, rather measure your life and successes by how many people you are helping, how many people you are influencing, how you make a positive difference in touching lives and how much value you are creating.

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