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How Do You Continue Life As a Widow?

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You and your spouse are so devoted to each other.
You were able to raise your kids well with the proper discipline.
All your children have successfully earned a college degree and have landed good jobs.
Some have tied the knot and now you have grandchildren.
But as you promise to continue with your twilight years together, all of a sudden your partner passes away.
This hurts you a lot as if a big part of your person also died.
How then should you move on with life? This is a question that bothers many widows especially if their children no longer live with them.
How can you go on living when the person you love the most, the one you talk to every day and the one you spend most of your time with is no longer there? The pain is indescribable that can leave you blank but then, there has to be a way for you to cope with the loss.
Sometimes you can question God why He took away your dearest one when time wasn't enough for both of you.
But when you slowly come to terms with the situation, you will get to understand that God has His reasons.
A strong support system is vital in this case.
Losing a loved one can lead to depression but when you have children and good friends to provide emotional support, the pain is lessened.
For widows who live on their own, somebody needs to stay with them every now and then to check on their situation.
Constant monitoring is important because sometimes, no matter how strong the person is when her husband was still alive, she can just change her ways in an instant such as not eat well, sulk or cry most of the time or go blank.
While parents are the source of strength of children, the effort should be reciprocated when it's the parent who is now grieving.
Widows need to feel the love and attention of their family.
So even though you live away from your mother, constant phone calls should be done to somehow take away the loneliness of your surviving parent.
Constant visits are also very helpful especially as a family and more so if you have small children.
Grandchildren have a way of easing the pain of their older folks like no other adults can.
If it is possible, you can invite your mother to live with your family temporarily while she is recovering from the loss.
Sometimes, mothers don't want their children to worry so much about them but at the same time, they also tend to neglect themselves while living alone which can lead to health problems.
Should a widow feels very depressed, an ideal option will be to seek counseling.
This is crucial especially if the widow does not open easily to her children about what she feels and what she plans to do.
At least with the professional to provide advice, a widow may be guided on the right ways to cope with the loss and look forward to life without her partner.

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