A New Year: A New You
It's the beginning of a new year and it's customary to look back at what you did and did not accomplish last year and begin to set new goals for this year.
But, I think instead, we may need to focus on ourselves and who and where we are in our own personal growth and development.
Are you happy with whom you are as a person or do you think there maybe some areas in your life that could be better? Have you truly looked at yourself to see exactly what type of person you are? It's often easier for us to define someone else than it is to define ourselves.
But, in order to have a better this year than last year, often the change that is required must come from identification of who we are.
Let's take a look at the functional parts of an airplane and use this as an analogy to define ourselves.
An airplane has four functional parts: 1.
Lift 2.
Thrust 3.
Weight 4.
Drag Lift - This is the functional part that holds the airplane up.
In today's fast paced, hectic society, it can be difficult to find something to lift your spirits when you get down in the dumps.
But, if you are going to lift someone else, you have to be able to find that place within yourself that's uplifting.
In spite of how bad you think your situation is, there is always someone that is in worse shape than you and you can be an inspiration to them.
Just as with an aircraft, you have to have motion in order to have lift.
In other words, you have to do something to make a difference in your life and someone else's life.
What are you doing to lift someone else? Who do you know that you can uplift with a simple word of encouragement? How can you make a difference in someone's life in the coming year? How will this impact your life? Thrust - This is the functional part that moves the aircraft through the air.
Do you ever feel like what you are doing is nothing more than spinning your wheels in the mud? You're putting forth a lot of effort, but you don't seem, to be moving forward.
In short, you're stuck.
Stuck like chuck! There are times that I feel like that hamster; I'm moving but I'm not going anywhere.
Most of us would love to move forward in some aspect of our life but, sometimes, it can be hard.
Sometimes we are so used to thinking a certain way that it is difficult to take that first step.
In order to move, you have to change the way you think.
Your present circumstances are a result of your past thinking and your future will be a result of what you are thinking now.
Movement requires action and all action begins with a thought.
What do you want to do different in the coming year? How do you plan to accomplish this? What positive influence are your actions having on someone else's life? Weight - This is the functional part of the aircraft that holds it down; the gravitational force.
Do you sometimes feel that the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Something just seems to "weigh" you down and you can't seem to shake it? You can have so many things in life that weigh you down and more times than not, these are things that you could easily let go.
Instead, you hold onto them for dear life and you weigh yourself down with so much "stuff" that it is impossible to move forward.
It's like a backpack that you carry around from day to day.
You've allowed a few things in life to weigh you down, you've placed that heaviness in your backpack and you move on to the next day.
Oftentimes, the next day brings about a different set of circumstances that creates more heaviness, and you add that to your backpack.
Pretty soon, you feel as if you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and guess what, you are! There is so much heaviness that you can carry - unforgiveness, guilt, unworthiness, old hurts- the list is endless.
In order to become the "new you" you have to start unloading your backpack by recognizing what's weighing you down and making some conscious decisions to lay those burdens down and leave them.
What are you carrying around that you need to let go of? Drag - This is the functional part of the aircraft that acts in a direction that is opposite to the motion of the aircraft.
Drag actually slows the aircraft down, which at certain times during the flight, is necessary.
What thoughts, actions and/or habits do you have in your life that are slowing you down? Sometimes, as humans, we can become so habitual that we don't see how we're sabotaging ourselves.
Those negative thoughts that tell you, "you can't do that, or that won't work," slow your progress.
These thoughts, if not corrected, will slow your life down to a standstill.
How often do you find yourself doing the same, ole thing, over and over again? Not only are you not going anywhere, but sometimes you actually feel as if you are moving backwards! Everyday your actions should be taking you to a higher place.
You should be searching out some excitement during your day - something that will get your adrenalin pumping.
How can you get yourself out of or keep yourself from getting into a rut? Life is a constant exercise in self improvement.
In your rush to "achieve" your goals, the idea of becoming better can become lost to ambition and selfishness.
You should never question whether you should become better or not, but rather, you should always choose to become a "new you.
" A new you means changing habits, taking some risks and thinking differently in the new year.
That's the challenge each of us face when we're thinking of doing something new.
Will people notice? Sure they will.
Will you like yourself more? You most definitely will.
"A New Year: A New You-let's get started.
But, I think instead, we may need to focus on ourselves and who and where we are in our own personal growth and development.
Are you happy with whom you are as a person or do you think there maybe some areas in your life that could be better? Have you truly looked at yourself to see exactly what type of person you are? It's often easier for us to define someone else than it is to define ourselves.
But, in order to have a better this year than last year, often the change that is required must come from identification of who we are.
Let's take a look at the functional parts of an airplane and use this as an analogy to define ourselves.
An airplane has four functional parts: 1.
Lift 2.
Thrust 3.
Weight 4.
Drag Lift - This is the functional part that holds the airplane up.
In today's fast paced, hectic society, it can be difficult to find something to lift your spirits when you get down in the dumps.
But, if you are going to lift someone else, you have to be able to find that place within yourself that's uplifting.
In spite of how bad you think your situation is, there is always someone that is in worse shape than you and you can be an inspiration to them.
Just as with an aircraft, you have to have motion in order to have lift.
In other words, you have to do something to make a difference in your life and someone else's life.
What are you doing to lift someone else? Who do you know that you can uplift with a simple word of encouragement? How can you make a difference in someone's life in the coming year? How will this impact your life? Thrust - This is the functional part that moves the aircraft through the air.
Do you ever feel like what you are doing is nothing more than spinning your wheels in the mud? You're putting forth a lot of effort, but you don't seem, to be moving forward.
In short, you're stuck.
Stuck like chuck! There are times that I feel like that hamster; I'm moving but I'm not going anywhere.
Most of us would love to move forward in some aspect of our life but, sometimes, it can be hard.
Sometimes we are so used to thinking a certain way that it is difficult to take that first step.
In order to move, you have to change the way you think.
Your present circumstances are a result of your past thinking and your future will be a result of what you are thinking now.
Movement requires action and all action begins with a thought.
What do you want to do different in the coming year? How do you plan to accomplish this? What positive influence are your actions having on someone else's life? Weight - This is the functional part of the aircraft that holds it down; the gravitational force.
Do you sometimes feel that the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Something just seems to "weigh" you down and you can't seem to shake it? You can have so many things in life that weigh you down and more times than not, these are things that you could easily let go.
Instead, you hold onto them for dear life and you weigh yourself down with so much "stuff" that it is impossible to move forward.
It's like a backpack that you carry around from day to day.
You've allowed a few things in life to weigh you down, you've placed that heaviness in your backpack and you move on to the next day.
Oftentimes, the next day brings about a different set of circumstances that creates more heaviness, and you add that to your backpack.
Pretty soon, you feel as if you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and guess what, you are! There is so much heaviness that you can carry - unforgiveness, guilt, unworthiness, old hurts- the list is endless.
In order to become the "new you" you have to start unloading your backpack by recognizing what's weighing you down and making some conscious decisions to lay those burdens down and leave them.
What are you carrying around that you need to let go of? Drag - This is the functional part of the aircraft that acts in a direction that is opposite to the motion of the aircraft.
Drag actually slows the aircraft down, which at certain times during the flight, is necessary.
What thoughts, actions and/or habits do you have in your life that are slowing you down? Sometimes, as humans, we can become so habitual that we don't see how we're sabotaging ourselves.
Those negative thoughts that tell you, "you can't do that, or that won't work," slow your progress.
These thoughts, if not corrected, will slow your life down to a standstill.
How often do you find yourself doing the same, ole thing, over and over again? Not only are you not going anywhere, but sometimes you actually feel as if you are moving backwards! Everyday your actions should be taking you to a higher place.
You should be searching out some excitement during your day - something that will get your adrenalin pumping.
How can you get yourself out of or keep yourself from getting into a rut? Life is a constant exercise in self improvement.
In your rush to "achieve" your goals, the idea of becoming better can become lost to ambition and selfishness.
You should never question whether you should become better or not, but rather, you should always choose to become a "new you.
" A new you means changing habits, taking some risks and thinking differently in the new year.
That's the challenge each of us face when we're thinking of doing something new.
Will people notice? Sure they will.
Will you like yourself more? You most definitely will.
"A New Year: A New You-let's get started.