Happiness - 5 Tips For Making Affirmations Work
Affirmations work very well.
You use them every day and have done so all your life.
The thing is-you have been doing it unconsciously.
When you live without awareness of your daily habits, then you unknowingly ask for what you do not want and then wonder why you keep getting more of it.
These five tips can change that outcome.
Ask for what you want--not what you want to eliminate or avoid.
When you state an affirmation, make certain it is something you truly want rather than simply reversing a negative in your life.
For example, ask to enjoy perfect health in a perfectly proportioned body for you rather than asking to lose weight because you do not want to be fat and unhealthy.
Make sure what you ask for is for you.
You can only create in your world.
You cannot ask for John to get well or be happy.
You can only ask that you witness John living in a manner for his highest good--which you cannot possibly define.
Only ask for things that are in your own highest and best interest.
That way, the Universe is free to deliver the best result for you--maybe in an unexpected manner.
Sometimes that path leads to pain.
Know that there is a difference between walking through pain to get to the Light and walking into harm's way.
When you ask for result A, continue to live with thoughts of result A all day until it comes to you.
If you ask for result A and spend most the day thinking about result B (the opposite of A) you cancel out the request for result A.
For instance, if you ask for money to create financial freedom and then spend the rest of the day worrying about paying your bills then you cancel the request for more money.
Choose your words carefully so your request does not meet resistance from your subconscious mind.
If you state that you love your new car your subconscious mind will tell you that you do not have a new car.
However, you can say that you choose to enjoy your new car.
But remember that is the language of the conscious mind and you need to talk with your subconscious mind.
That difference makes all the difference.
Speak in the language of the subconscious mind saying, "I am enjoying my new car with every breath I breathe.
" Do you see that so long as you continue to breathe, your mind is working to bring that new car to you? When you speak affirmations in the correct language and know how to ask for what you do want then you get to create everything in your world you way.
You use them every day and have done so all your life.
The thing is-you have been doing it unconsciously.
When you live without awareness of your daily habits, then you unknowingly ask for what you do not want and then wonder why you keep getting more of it.
These five tips can change that outcome.
Ask for what you want--not what you want to eliminate or avoid.
When you state an affirmation, make certain it is something you truly want rather than simply reversing a negative in your life.
For example, ask to enjoy perfect health in a perfectly proportioned body for you rather than asking to lose weight because you do not want to be fat and unhealthy.
Make sure what you ask for is for you.
You can only create in your world.
You cannot ask for John to get well or be happy.
You can only ask that you witness John living in a manner for his highest good--which you cannot possibly define.
Only ask for things that are in your own highest and best interest.
That way, the Universe is free to deliver the best result for you--maybe in an unexpected manner.
Sometimes that path leads to pain.
Know that there is a difference between walking through pain to get to the Light and walking into harm's way.
When you ask for result A, continue to live with thoughts of result A all day until it comes to you.
If you ask for result A and spend most the day thinking about result B (the opposite of A) you cancel out the request for result A.
For instance, if you ask for money to create financial freedom and then spend the rest of the day worrying about paying your bills then you cancel the request for more money.
Choose your words carefully so your request does not meet resistance from your subconscious mind.
If you state that you love your new car your subconscious mind will tell you that you do not have a new car.
However, you can say that you choose to enjoy your new car.
But remember that is the language of the conscious mind and you need to talk with your subconscious mind.
That difference makes all the difference.
Speak in the language of the subconscious mind saying, "I am enjoying my new car with every breath I breathe.
" Do you see that so long as you continue to breathe, your mind is working to bring that new car to you? When you speak affirmations in the correct language and know how to ask for what you do want then you get to create everything in your world you way.