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Are You Building Self Confidence Today?

103 19
The thought of building self-confidence is the beginning of building this important muscle in your life.
Yes, this is a challenge that will be with you all of your life.
Either you have it or you don't! It's moment to moment.
Building self-confidence comes about through experience.
And so if every moment is a new experience; just what are you thinking? Yes...
self-confidence is in our thinking.
Confidence not only is evident in the actions we take, but is the pre-cursor to our actions.
Maybe a question will come up, and you will either think about the answer, or the answer will be there and spoken naturally.
You could call this self-confidence as the answer was truthful for you from your experience.
I say experience.
You see, in my experience with life, things ring true to me when I have undergone the upcoming task or question.
In other words, "lived it".
So, if I want to build self-confidence, the question to ask is "what am I listening to, yes, listening to within myself.
That little voice that says either "You can or you can't".
That little voice within is the stop to building self-confidence.
To build self-confidence you have to know that you are great.
You are the one and only you.
You have many attributes and talents, whether hidden or not, that will show up when you are building self-confidence.
Do what you love to do.
Have fun at it.
Make mistakes, and you will learn through these mistakes, and you will be building self-confidence.

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