Love Thought of the Day
It's always a great idea to start your day with a love thought of the day.
There is a popular pod cast by Tom McCarthy called Love Thought of the Day.
In this short daily pod cast Tom offers positive solid advice.
The advice includes tasks that help to improve your current relationship, romance tips, or a short reading that helps to put love in a different perspective.
This pod cast is definitely worth taking a listen to.
But you shouldn't stop there.
Try creating your own "love thought of the day" in the form of a relationship or love affirmation.
While the pod cast can give some valuable insight and direction, by creating your own personal love thought of the day you can make it a more personal experience.
To create your own love affirmation you must first have a goal in mind.
It could to be to improve interactions with the people around you.
In which case you could use an affirmation like: "I view the world around me with eyes of love".
Next, repeat the phrase over and over as you start your day.
Then whenever you are met with a challenge during your day silently repeat your "love thought of the day".
Through this process you have set in motion a change in your thoughts actions and words, which in turn increases the amount of loving experiences you will encounter.
Most people think of romantic love when the word love is mentioned.
But, to create more romantic love in your life you must view yourself and others in a loving way.
Your love thought of the day does not have to be restricted to finding the perfect mate.
The love affirmation you create could declare your love of self; or your love of life, all these types of love affirmations will help to attract more romantic love in your life.
The most important part of a love thought of the day or love affirmation is to make a personal connection and commitment to being more aware of love.
You can use the advice and readings from the podcast to help map out your own personal love thought of the day.
After all, the main goal is to increase your experiences of love, and the way to do that is thorough love affirmations.
Effective love affirmations are written in the present tense, contain the word I, and, most importantly, are positive.
By consciously repeating them several times a day you are training your subconscious to seek to make the statements true.
Once your subconscious accepts the affirmations as true you have successfully retrained your thinking and changed your future experiences.
Just think of how much happier our world would be if everyone started their day with their own personal love thought of the day.
There is a popular pod cast by Tom McCarthy called Love Thought of the Day.
In this short daily pod cast Tom offers positive solid advice.
The advice includes tasks that help to improve your current relationship, romance tips, or a short reading that helps to put love in a different perspective.
This pod cast is definitely worth taking a listen to.
But you shouldn't stop there.
Try creating your own "love thought of the day" in the form of a relationship or love affirmation.
While the pod cast can give some valuable insight and direction, by creating your own personal love thought of the day you can make it a more personal experience.
To create your own love affirmation you must first have a goal in mind.
It could to be to improve interactions with the people around you.
In which case you could use an affirmation like: "I view the world around me with eyes of love".
Next, repeat the phrase over and over as you start your day.
Then whenever you are met with a challenge during your day silently repeat your "love thought of the day".
Through this process you have set in motion a change in your thoughts actions and words, which in turn increases the amount of loving experiences you will encounter.
Most people think of romantic love when the word love is mentioned.
But, to create more romantic love in your life you must view yourself and others in a loving way.
Your love thought of the day does not have to be restricted to finding the perfect mate.
The love affirmation you create could declare your love of self; or your love of life, all these types of love affirmations will help to attract more romantic love in your life.
The most important part of a love thought of the day or love affirmation is to make a personal connection and commitment to being more aware of love.
You can use the advice and readings from the podcast to help map out your own personal love thought of the day.
After all, the main goal is to increase your experiences of love, and the way to do that is thorough love affirmations.
Effective love affirmations are written in the present tense, contain the word I, and, most importantly, are positive.
By consciously repeating them several times a day you are training your subconscious to seek to make the statements true.
Once your subconscious accepts the affirmations as true you have successfully retrained your thinking and changed your future experiences.
Just think of how much happier our world would be if everyone started their day with their own personal love thought of the day.