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3 Holiday Survival Tips

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With the busy holiday season right around the corner many of us are faced with LOTS to do, including facing family members we have difficulty seeing eye-to-eye with, unresolved emotional wounds and other stressors that can make the holidays anything but joyous.
The following holiday survival tips are simple.
BUT, if you take a closer look and apply them to your life, you will be able to navigate the holiday season with more grace.
You see, even if twenty relatives are coming to your house for dinner and you're worried your crazy uncle will have too much to drink and start a fight, you're going to be as cool as the chilled cranberries on your table because you'll understand the only thing you can control is your reaction to it all! 1.
Keep It Simple Silly Do you really need regular AND garlic mashed potatoes? Is it absolutely necessary to repaint the entire house before your guests arrive? Will anyone even notice your carpets haven't been cleaned? You've heard it before but now it's time to hear it again: Keep It Simple Silly! Listen, the more you try to do the more stressed out you'll be.
And the more stressed out you'll be the more stressed out your guests and family will be.
Part of creating a life you love is learning how to give yourself more time to do the things you really want to do! Give yourself more time by simplifying your routines, commitments and your personal expectations.
How can you keep your holidays simple? 2.
Let Go of Perfection I know this is a hard one for a lot of us.
BUT, if you let go of your desire to have things perfect you will gain something even greater.
Do you know what that is? You'll have more fun! It is nearly impossible to have fun if you're constantly trying to make everything perfect.
In fact, perfection is nothing but an impossible standard we try to reach and often miss by a long shot! Give yourself (and everyone else) a break.
Lighten up.
Let your hair down.
And have some fun! How can you have more fun during the holidays? 3.
Remember LOVE Holidays bring together people and that can be difficult.
There probably isn't a family around that doesn't have some family conflict and a few family members harder to deal with than the rest.
How can you keep your cool when faced with the difficult members of your family? Remember everyone does the best they can, given their unique set of life experiences.
You don't have to agree with how they live their lives or with what they do and say, but for the sake of giving yourself a great holiday, let things be and appreciate them for who they are.
What do you appreciate about your most difficult relatives? (Make a game out of it and try to come up with at least 5 things! Are you really trying?) Enjoy the holiday season.
Celebrate! And take charge of your response to whatever may come your way! Copyright (c) 2006 Cari Vollmer

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