Drink at Your Own Fountain (Or Finding Your Self-Worth)
So many of us have looked externally for validation, self-worth, and reassurance that we are okay.
But when we do this, we find that there is never quite enough external assurances to soothe us.
The minute we receive some compliment or praise, we are in search of the next honor or award.
It becomes a never-ending search for our own self-worth.
There are at least two issues with living this way.
First, is that we are not living in the present moment, since we're always searching for our next 'approval fix'.
Second, is that we never feel like we're 'enough', we're not able to rest and enjoy who we are, and we're left wondering if we'll ever 'get there'.
"You are quaffing drink from a hundred fountains: whenever any of these hundred yields less, your pleasure is diminished.
But when the sublime fountain gushes from within you, no longer need you steal from the other fountains.
" (Rumi) As Rumi so eloquently states, the answer is to find your inner fountain, sourced from divine love, which knows your worth, sees your beauty, and reflects it back to you.
Once you've tapped into this font of your eternal essence, you will no longer need external input about your worth - for you will truly KNOW yourself, your value, your wondrous nature.
But surprisingly, this inner fountain doesn't do a thing to boost your ego.
Instead, it helps you achieve a calm, knowing state of self-awareness...
a state of recognizing, humbly, who you are, what your talents and skills are, and of having a strong, yet understated confidence in yourself.
As Mathnawi said, "If you wish for light, be ready to receive light.
Nourish your ego and be deprived of light.
" In other words, when you are ready to really know your self-worth and to let go of needing others to validate you, open up to see and receive your own inner fountain of light.
Stop feeding the ego - for its growth will only prevent you from accessing your inner nature, thus depriving you of your own light.
It is by going within to splash in your inner fountain, your essence, your connection to source, that you will really come to know yourself, and to love yourself.
And once you love yourself, it's really easy to love the rest of the world.
Just imagine what life would be like on this planet if each of us found our inner fountain! Drink at your own fountain of light, and your light will change the world.
But when we do this, we find that there is never quite enough external assurances to soothe us.
The minute we receive some compliment or praise, we are in search of the next honor or award.
It becomes a never-ending search for our own self-worth.
There are at least two issues with living this way.
First, is that we are not living in the present moment, since we're always searching for our next 'approval fix'.
Second, is that we never feel like we're 'enough', we're not able to rest and enjoy who we are, and we're left wondering if we'll ever 'get there'.
"You are quaffing drink from a hundred fountains: whenever any of these hundred yields less, your pleasure is diminished.
But when the sublime fountain gushes from within you, no longer need you steal from the other fountains.
" (Rumi) As Rumi so eloquently states, the answer is to find your inner fountain, sourced from divine love, which knows your worth, sees your beauty, and reflects it back to you.
Once you've tapped into this font of your eternal essence, you will no longer need external input about your worth - for you will truly KNOW yourself, your value, your wondrous nature.
But surprisingly, this inner fountain doesn't do a thing to boost your ego.
Instead, it helps you achieve a calm, knowing state of self-awareness...
a state of recognizing, humbly, who you are, what your talents and skills are, and of having a strong, yet understated confidence in yourself.
As Mathnawi said, "If you wish for light, be ready to receive light.
Nourish your ego and be deprived of light.
" In other words, when you are ready to really know your self-worth and to let go of needing others to validate you, open up to see and receive your own inner fountain of light.
Stop feeding the ego - for its growth will only prevent you from accessing your inner nature, thus depriving you of your own light.
It is by going within to splash in your inner fountain, your essence, your connection to source, that you will really come to know yourself, and to love yourself.
And once you love yourself, it's really easy to love the rest of the world.
Just imagine what life would be like on this planet if each of us found our inner fountain! Drink at your own fountain of light, and your light will change the world.