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Stop Struggling to Achieve Your Dreams

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We've been sold a bill of goods and been made to believe that money is the key to all our problems.
And that the more money you have the happier you'll be.
So we work ourselves to death to get more money to buy more things seeking happiness.
It's like the actor Will Smith said, "We work at jobs we don't like, to buy things we don't want to impress people we don't like.
The reality is, is it's not about the money.
It's about what the money can do for you.
So let's take your desires down to the LCD as a good friend of mine used to say the Lowest Common Denominator.
What is it that you truly want? I mean really, if money were no object.
If you had a magic lamp with a genie to grant you any wish.
If the world didn't make you believe their dream is the only real dream.
If you weren't afraid to do the impossible; if you believed anything was possible what would you have, do or be? Remember when you were a little kid what did you dream of having, doing or being? What happened to those dreams? Who told you, you couldn't have do or be that? Who took your dream away? What reality scenario shocked you into this mediocre life you are living today? What are you searching for? Do you even know? Asking yourself the right questions will lead you to the real answers you seek.
Determine what it is that you want and you'll find when you are clear about your desire the road to attainment will appear to you.
I challenge you today to step outside of yourself.
To back away from the dreams you've been fed by the world.
To choose your passion, power and purpose above all else to create the true reality that defines who you are, what you are and why you are.
Because you are! And you can be who you want to be.
Start today, right now; don't put off for tomorrow what can be done today.
Success has no time-line.
Small consistent actions in the right direction will propel you ahead to your desired destiny.
Start small, add a piece to the puzzle each day and soon you will have completed your masterpiece.
If you do or you don't tomorrow still comes.
The choice is yours.

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