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Dr Eric Amidi - Subconscious Believing and the Trinity System

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Central to The Law of Attraction is belief, the notion of attracting things (or 'manifesting miracles') by desiring them in a lucid and concentrated manner.
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to suggest that The Law of Attraction is, at heart, all about belief.
But if manifestation were just a matter of genuine faith, there would be verifiable accounts of meetings with Christ, Ganesh or any number of deities or avatars on pretty much a daily basis.
So if simply believing, no matter how fervently or sincerely, isn't sufficient, then it must be down to the kind of belief we express.
Dr Eric Amidi, quantum physicist (a member of the team who discovered the 'Top Quark' in 1995) and author of 'The Secret Behind The Secret', is convinced that there are two varieties of belief.
There is conscious believing and unconscious believing.
The Middle Self.
Conscious believing emerges from the conscious mind.
The conscious mind is also known as the Middle Self in Dr Amidi's Trinity System.
The Middle Self is convinced by quantifiable logic and empirical facts.
According to the Trinity System, this kind of belief is incapable of manifesting or attracting.
The Lower Self.
Unconscious believing emerges from the unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind is also known as the Lower Self in the Trinity System.
The Lower Self is immune to logic and responds entirely to emotions, to feelings and intuitions.
It is the Lower Self that is responsible for generating the belief that can lead to the manifesting of miracles.
The Higher Self.
According to Dr Amidi, the Higher Self can perceive and shape the future.
It can perceive an infinity of paths ahead of us.
It selects the best path according to our desire, the path that offers the simplest and most direct route to manifestation.
The Lower and Higher Selves are the critical components of this Trinity System, because it is the Lower Self that appeals to the Higher Self to manifest its desires and wishes.
The Middle Self is something of an obstacle, but once overcome, even in a small way (for example, something small and simple is manifested as a result of employing Law of Attraction techniques), its influence is felt less and less.
To further investigate Dr Amidi's theories and explore how they can dramatically enhance the effects of Law of Attraction techniques, read his best-selling The Secret Behind the Secret

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