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Are You Ready to Adopt?

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Are You Ready to Adopt?

Are You Ready to Adopt?

You should also ask whether there will be any non-refundable fees if, for any reason, the adoption doesn't go through. These fees may vary and could include administration costs, social worker fees, birth mother expenses, or attorney fees.

Adoption doesn't have to be costly. The fees for adopting a child from foster-care are significantly less, and some people are eligible for financial aid.

"If you want to adopt but finances for private or international adoption are beyond you, consider the children of this country who are the most needy, lingering in foster care," Brodzinsky says. "Most do well in a stable, loving home."

Adoptive parents can get a tax credit for qualified expenses such as court costs, attorney fees, and travel expenses. This may change in the future.

7. Do you have support?

If you have a partner, are you both eager to adopt? If you already have kids, are they prepared for the family to grow? Will your friends and extended family offer support? If not, will you be able to manage without their support?

If, after answering all these questions, you still feel ready to adopt, it’s most likely time to take the next step and contact an adoption agency.

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