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The Many Addictions in Today"s Society

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What Counts as an Addiction? Addictions come in many forms the most obvious being drugs and alcohol.
To many this would be the end of the discussion, but maybe we should consider the subject a little more in depth.
We hear reports of people going into rehab for a sexual addiction; this must be a devastating problem to the partner when the issue is revealed.
Sometimes treatment is simple but for others it can take months to overcome their compulsions.
What about being addicted to gambling? The whole family can be at the mercy of the person involved.
Families have lost their homes, businesses and even their marriage through the desire to play the pokies or throw just one more dice.
The only thing this type of addiction has over some of the others is that like the aforementioned addictions this too can be treated.
Not quite so simple is the treatment for the person addicted to food.
Yes, this too can be an addiction; obesity is not always a simple case of greed.
This type of addiction is frequently brought about by trauma to the individual when just a child, the most common trauma being sexual abuse.
Particularly for a girl this can lead them to eat as they endeavour to hide their innermost self.
The part of themselves they despise on a daily basis and try to bury under the surplus weight.
Sub-consciously they don't want to attract the opposite sex so food is their drug of choice.
Then there are those who find themselves unable to leave the video game parlours or even the internet.
Both can consume hours of time and rarely do people consider themselves addicted, it's just something they enjoy doing.
Kids don't want to go to school because they will miss their gaming time or chat room time with a stranger from who knows where.
Yes, addictions come in many forms and some so simple they're almost unrecognizable as an addiction.
How many times do you check the oven is turned off and how frequently do you wash your hands? What about counting fence palings or the number of vertical blinds to a window? I heard of someone recently who insisted on counting every leaf of chard he picked from the garden as it had to be an even number.
Yet another person insisted on polishing their knife and fork before eating a meal.
It made no difference if they were eating at home or in a restaurant.
This type of behaviour is all a form of addiction.
Shopping is another addiction which can become extremely expensive as the person in question stores away their purchases frequently not really even interested in using the items bought.
These are people generally known as shopaholics.
We also have those addicted to chocolate, coffee, golf, soap operas and almost anything one could name.
The point being, if it is beginning to rule your life it's certainly becoming or has already become an addiction.
So, how many addictions can there be? I would definitely say too many to count, that's if you feel that way inclined.
Consider this then; possibly, just possibly we might all be addicted to something in one way or another.
How is that for a scary thought?

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