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Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in 6 Weeks - The Secret Technique to Losing Weight Without Low Carb Eating

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If you are serious about losing weight, then you will absolutely need to try something known as calorie shifting.
It is a rare diet in a mass of low calorie and fad diets it is the only one to target the real problem causing your weight gain, your metabolism.
In this article I'll explain how calorie shifting can help you lose 20 pounds of fat in 6 weeks and why it is also the only diet that will keep the results.
Why most diets fail Most diets will avoid calories in an effort to drop weight, this actually creates longer term problems as your body desperate for calories will through the course of a low calorie diet actually diminish your metabolism to just about nothing in this effort to conserve.
When the low calorie diet is completed the person will soon realize that they are unable to keep losing weight all together and wost of all virtually anything they now eat converts to body fat.
In the same way a starving person will stuff their face at the first sign of food, the same happens when your body is re-introduced to a normal calorie amount, your body will take as much as it can get.
How calorie shifting works The secret to calorie shifting is that by targeting the bodies metabolism at all times you are effectively treating the root problem and as a result actually achieve lasting results.
By doing this you can expect to lose 20 pounds of fat in 6 weeks and more importantly actually keep the weight off once and for all.

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