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How to Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally

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There are an enormous amount of hemorrhoid remedies available, either treating internally or externally. But the highly recommended methods are the natural cure of hemorrhoids. The most effective way is to change your mind. Firstly, you will need to start from your lifestyle. Most researches cannot be more agreeable that most hemorrhoids are found among people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. You should stop being inactive and the best way to have sufficient exercise. Make yourself active to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Even mild exercise can help reduce constipation thus preventing hemorrhoids.

Your diet is also very important. To cure hemorrhoids you will need to lead a diet with great abundance of fiber content. You can consume more fresh fruits, fresh or raw vegetables, whole grains or dried fruits such as raisins or apricots. Besides there are other dietary supplements such as flax seed or psyllium which have contain high fiber. Having adequate amount of fiber in your digestion system can help to prevent hemorrhoids. Always avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and sugar. Remind yourself not to overeat and often take more healthy liquids such as plain water or juices.

Herbal method is another natural cure of hemorrhoids. It is highly advisable that you consult a health professional or herbal consultant before consuming any herbs. It is said that herbs such as fennel seeds, licorice root and Cascara Sagrada are among the few herbs effective for bowel and colon cleanser. Anti-inflammatory herbs will be aloe Vera, Comfrey and alfalfa. Other helpful herbs include horse chestnut, chlorella, liquid chlorophyll, butcher's broom, evening primrose oil and grape seed extract.

You can also consume vitamins to cure hemorrhoids besides being one of the preventive methods. Among the helpful vitamins are bromelain, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Other natural alternatives are alternate baths of hot and cold water or a relaxing bath in warm salt water for 10 minutes. This can stimulate circulation and ease the inflammation of the hemorrhoids. 


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