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The Violet Mint With Floral Aroma for Long Lasting Mouth Freshness

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Sweet confectionaries are consumed not just to quench the taste cravings but also for mouth refreshment and health benefits. Within the category of mouth refreshing assortments, mints are often consumed all over the world. The violet candies came into being during 1930s.The manufacturing brand was C Howard's which was popular for its gums and mint products. These unique square shaped mints were unusual but rich in delightful refreshing taste and violet aroma. It is among those old time candies which are still purchased in bulk to be consumed on daily basis after the meals. Tropical guava, peppermint, lemon and spearmint were the flavors further introduced by the brand. Besides this, the purple colored scented gums were also launched by C Howard's.

Due to rich floral aroma and breath freshening effect, these are often consumed after the meals to prevent the mouth's pungent smell. The Violet Mints taste and mild fragrance resembles to that of the violet flowers which can be felt while consumed. With distinctive taste, these also provide long lasting refreshing sweetness and for hours. For years people have consumed it as a perfume for breathe with no weird sugary feel. The ingredients used to manufacture this product consist of sugar, artificial flavors, invert sugar, anti caking agents like magnesium stearate, colors etc. No matter what flavor the mint belongs to, these do not consist of any fats, proteins, vitamins, fibers, calcium and iron but these are rich in carbohydrate and sugar content. Three pieces of this refreshing confectionary provide 20gm of calories. These hard mints are always stored in a cool and dry place. The lemon flavor of this mint consists of oil of lemon and in the peppermint flavor oil of pepper mint and vanillin are added along with the previous ingredients. In the same manner, oil of spearmint is added in spearmint flavored mints. With lovely subtle fragrance and soapy taste, these are different from other usual mints and candies. These are not excessively sweet and evoke the feelings of nostalgia to the adults.

From the nearby supply stores or the corner candy shops, the customers can purchase these products. However, there is no guarantee that the fresh product will be available to them all the year round. A better option is to visit the online stores of the authorized distributors where, the customers can purchase freshly stocked product by adding it to the cart. The C. Howard's violet square Violet Mints are available in boxes where each box consists of 24 pieces. The fast worldwide shipping is available for this product within one or two business days with secured delivery. They also guarantee its freshness and keep themselves stocked. To get a real unique candy experience, the online shopping is a smart option.

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