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Using Oils to Flavour Tender Meats

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Sometimes you find yourself having a very prime quality piece of meat which is already extremely tender but you want to give it more flavour.
Using a harsh marinate is not a good idea, it will break down the meat tissue too much and could potentially ruin the texture.
The way to go along with it is by mixing oils with a few spices and perhaps some herbs.
This works extremely well for fish and more sensitive types of seafood.
I enjoy using oils especially on halibut or tilapia which are rather boring tasting without any other seasoning or herbs.
A warning though, you should never pour oil directly on the food.
Use a small brush to get it on the food and then let it stay in the fridge for an hour.
My favourite is rosemary & lemon oil.
I mix some olive oil with some rosemary leaves and a bit of garlic and lemon juice.
Put it on your favourite cut of steak or fish fillets and you are good to go.
Another good one is ginger-soy for the more Asian-minded.
Throw a little bit of peanut and vegetable oil and 2 table spoons of soy sauce with a little bit of sesame oil and some grated ginger.
This goes really good with turkey or chicken.
Most western countries like Worcestershire.
So a good version about it is a few tablespoons of djson mustard mixed with olive oil and two teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce.
It goes very well on lamb or pork.

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