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Do"s and Don"ts of Child Proofing Or Child Proofing For Removable and Irremovable Things

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Babies are cute, cuddly creatures whom everyone loves to hug and kiss.
When a couple comes to own such a sweet bundle for themselves, they may feel that they have landed on cloud nine, especially if they are first time parents.
But when they become face to face with the day to day reality of caring for a baby, at least some of them feel that they have crash-landed in some wilderness.
Caring for a baby can be a bit of a tough job, and there are no shortcuts through which the job can be completed with ease.
Still, child proofing the home the right way will definitely blunt the sharp edge of the job.
A child chooses things only by his visual preference.
Until he reaches the age of discretion, it is impossible to convey to him that certain things are dangerous.
Removing unsafe things from his presence, and barring his way into places where it is not safe for him, are the only ways to keep him protected.
The job of the parents is to plan how best these can be achieved.
Child Proofing by Removing Things If you scan the whole house with a child's eye, you will see that there is no nook or corner that is completely devoid of things that are not safe for the child, but will nevertheless arouse his curiosity.
Meticulously removing all these things is the first step in child proofing.
Then there will be many things like detergents, medicines, cleaners, polishes, or disinfectants that people do not normally keep exposed on the floor or a table just because they are an eyesore.
Many of these might be inside covered shelves, or cabinets, that are not secured with a lock, and may be at floor level.
Once the baby starts his adventures, he will easily find his way into these places, and will splash the things around, or polish himself with it, and taste it as if to try if it is better than his baby food.
Before he starts this schedule of his, parents should remove all these things, lock, stock, and barrel, to places he cannot access even with his innate cleverness.
Securing Irremovable Things Irremovable things within the house that are unsafe for babies pose a bigger problem.
Prime among these things are electrical points, stoves, dish washer, washer and dryer etc.
Children are especially curious about holes and gaps, and will try to thrust things into an open electrical point.
Likewise it is easy for a child to outwit the attending adult and get into a dish washer or dryer.
Staircase is also a fascination for kids, and long before they learn to walk, they will learn how to climb a staircase.
Different permanent fixtures of the house will have to be baby proofed in different ways.
Covers are available for keeping the electrical outlets closed, and stove knob covers are available for covering stove knobs.
Child proofing of the staircase is done by having child safety gates fixed on both ends of the stairs, and a dish washer can be kept locked.
Either by using devices available in the market, or by relying on innovative methods, parents have to eliminate the risks adherent in each and every object.

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