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Treating Tendon Injuries Naturally - Without Drugs Or Surgery

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Discovering the best therapies for treating tendon injuries naturally is likely to not only resolve the current injuries, but to prevent a tendency for them to recur.
Injuries have a habit of returning.
They often occur in the same place, or a similar spot on the opposite limb.
Although this is often considered a coincidence, in reality it is pointing to something much deeper.
Sometimes, this recurring tendency to hurt or injure yourself is unkindly considered as clumsy or accident prone.
Neither of these labels points to the reality of what is occurring.
Everyone has a weakness.
This is evident by the health issues you have, especially the chronic or recurring ones.
So if you regularly injure yourself, this is your weakness.
Weaknesses offer you an opportunity to treat them at an energetic level, with a medicine which will not only resolve the current injury, but will also resolve your weakness, or your tendency to hurt yourself.
Arguably, the best health modality that achieves this is homeopathy.
Homeopathy works by considering you and your symptoms as the unique person you are.
This results in individual treatment.
It is only by this personal treatment that true healing can be achieved.
Good homeopathic treatment can repair damage without surgery, without toxic drugs.
Immediate relief of pain is normal.
Inflammation recedes almost as fast.
Yet all this can come about from taking an oral medicine.
Many people find this a hard lesson to learn.
And it is, when you are firmly anchored in the physical or the normal 'reality' that exists for most people.
Once you can let this go and accept that as an energetic person, your best healing is at an energetic level, all things become possible.
By deeply treating your current tendon injury with homeopathy, you will automatically reduce your tendency to injure yourself.
Each successive homeopathic treatment continues to reduce this until, ultimately it is gone.

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