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How to Save Money on Your Baby's Nursery

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    • 1). Include nursery items on your registry. Register for furniture and the big-ticket items in addition to the accessories. Family members and co-workers may enjoy going in on a bigger gift, and if you don't provide that option, you may miss out. You may want to register for your crib, linens, changing table, bureau, rocker, mobile, window treatments, lamps and any other items that you plan on using for your nursery.

    • 2). Pare back your nursery décor. While you may love fancy bumpers and crib bedding and intricate changing tables, these are a few pricy items you can do without. To prevent SIDS, your baby should not be put to sleep with loose bedding, and bumpers pose a suffocation risk. You can change your baby on any flat, wide surface and use a towel as a makeshift changing pad.

    • 3). Shop second-hand. Many church thrift shops, consignment shops and garage sales will have used nursery furniture available. You can also find listings for used furniture on Internet and newspaper classifieds.

    • 4). Look for closeouts. Many manufacturers of nursery furniture and decor change their styles and fabrics each year. At the end of the items' season, you can often find items and decor for significantly reduced rates.

    • 5). Use coupons. Many baby stores will put out coupons. Babies R Us often gives coupon books to people who join their mailing lists. You can usually join the mailing list of baby stores to receive special coupons.


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