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Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Pancreatic Cancer Found Early

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Pancreatic Cancer Found Early Feb. 13, 2009 -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was released from New York's Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center today following her pancreatic cancer surgery earlier this month.

Ginsburg, 75, had her spleen and part of her pancreas removed on Feb. 5 after a routine CAT scan showed a lesion, measuring about 1 centimeter across, in the center of her pancreas.

That lesion turned out to be benign, but Ginsburg's surgeon -- Murray Brennan, MD, FACS -- found a smaller, previously unidentified tumor which was malignant, according to a statement released today by the Supreme Court.

Ginsburg's pancreatic cancer was found early, in what doctors call stage I, and it hasn't spread, the Supreme Court states.

Ginsburg, who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by President Clinton, had surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to treat colorectal cancer in 1999.

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