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The Art of Making a Really Great Cupcake!

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So it seems like everybody and their dog are entering (or trying to) into the world of the cupcake business.
So what does this mean for you? It means you have to stand out, be unique, have something really great that nobody in your area offers! It's not just about making the most delicious cupcake that's out there.
It's about tapping into your creative juices and make something that people think they can't get anywhere else.
This is where the crazier the better really can work.
To drum up some of these wild ideas, think of flavors you liked as a kid, or perhaps the candy bar you couldn't get enough of.
Think of using candies and chocolate and make them into creative cupcake toppers.
The goal here is to think outside the box.
People always want to try something different and once they get a taste of what you've made, they're going to love it.
Get your baking gear out, your apron on and start creating cupcakes! Think of any kind of cupcake flavor that comes to mind and start there.
Always remember to do a taste test, grab family members, friends, whatever you need to do to get honest opinions.
Some will pass, and some will fail.
Write down all the good ones and highlight all the great ones.
For cupcake toppers, take a stroll into your local grocery store, or your favorite candy store.
Take a really good look at each one and vision what you can make out of these little delicious bites.
Chocolates, gummies, sprinkles, cookies, even crackers can create a really great and unique cupcake topper.
Take pictures along the way so when you have an absolute hit on your hands and you can't keep them in your store, remember how you made them and what ingredients you worked with.
Always remember consistency is key! Make a cupcake book of all the great ones you've made so you can show new customers what you're really made of.
There are people out there who are really looking for something unique and different and are also willing to put the money out for it too.
So have something on hand that you can show them what you're capable of and also what you're best at.
When it comes to pricing these little guys, remember you have to make it worth it for YOU.
You must make sure you can cover the costs of everything from ingredients, kitchen rentals, bakeware, etc...
and your time is precious.
Go out to other cupcake shops in your area and see what they're charging.
Even purchase a few to see what you're up against and go from there.
Remember though, what someone charges in New York for a cupcake can't always be the same as what you'd charge in Kentucky.
At the end of the day, know you've done a great job and most likely you've put a lot of smiles on people's faces!

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