Spanish Sauce Recipe – Salsa Espanola
A thick sauce made with beef broth and vegetables, this is one of the most popular sauces in Spain. It is generally used to accompany meat.Although it is named Salsa espanola, or Spanish Sauce, it is similar to gravies served in other European countries. According to some gastronomic history sources, the sauce originated in Spain in the 1600's.
Salsa espanola is easy to prepare and is a healthy sauce that includes just a bit of oil. First, brown chopped onions, carrots and a leak, then add beef broth and simmer for about 45 minutes to reduce the broth. Finally, puree the sauce and pass it through a sieve. Serve warm with meat dishes, such as roast beef, grilled steaks, or even beef kabobs.
See Also
Spanish Roast Duck with Peaches in Wine Recipe - Pato con Melocotones en Vino
Spanish Veal in Leak Sauce Recipe - Redonda de Ternera en Salsa de Puerro
Easy Spanish Pork Loin with Sauce and Mushrooms Recipe
Salsa espanola is easy to prepare and is a healthy sauce that includes just a bit of oil. First, brown chopped onions, carrots and a leak, then add beef broth and simmer for about 45 minutes to reduce the broth. Finally, puree the sauce and pass it through a sieve. Serve warm with meat dishes, such as roast beef, grilled steaks, or even beef kabobs.
See Also
Spanish Roast Duck with Peaches in Wine Recipe - Pato con Melocotones en Vino
Spanish Veal in Leak Sauce Recipe - Redonda de Ternera en Salsa de Puerro
Easy Spanish Pork Loin with Sauce and Mushrooms Recipe