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Learning To Trust In Direct Connections

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"Observe the direct connections between trust and the serendipitous events that follow.
" -- Alan Cohen I first read this quote a couple months ago.
I like it a lot.
Ever since I read it, I've tried to take it to heart.
Let me tell you something.
There is a lot of truth in this little bit of wisdom.
Ever since I read it, I've taken it to heart and observed it in my own life.
I've been trying with all I have of late to let go of control.
In all things, I have vowed to just trust what is and come what may.
I have tried to believe in "trust.
" I have found that the more I follow this quote, the easier it has become to follow and the easier my life has become.
I've frankly lost count of the number of times over the last month that by simply letting go and ceasing efforts at control that I have witnessed serendipitous events unfold in favorable ways for me.
This has been an extremely valuable lesson.
You know, if I will get out of my own way and let things unfold and hold on to trust (trust of others and of events in general), I will see that, as Bob Marley said, "every little thing's gonna be alright.
" Please try this.
Give it some time to prove itself to you.
Even when things seem at first not to go your way, give it time to see that either a) it will have a way of bouncing back in your favor, or b) you can indeed be okay even if it doesn't.
At first, you may find this a difficult exercise.
If you are like me, you might wish to revert to your default setting and attempt control.
But keep yourself in check -- just let it be.
Continue to do this even if it seems illogical.
Then just watch what happens.
My friend, this has been of immeasurable help to me.
I want you to experience the same thing I have.
Give this a little time and you will come to agree with me.
You will find yourself enjoying this experiment as much as I do.
And sometimes, even the seemingly impossible will happen.
Again, I've witnessed this firsthand over the last couple months.
Please try to trust me on this.
This is one of the best pieces of advice I've been given in a long time.
Free yourself to what is at every moment -- just breathe -- just wait -- slow the mind -- let go.
Peace can be yours -- let it happen to you as it has for me.
Copyright 2011.
True Self Enterprises, Inc.

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