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How to Buy Acupuncture Needles

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When the side effects of western medicine become increasingly obvious, more and more people are seeking alternative methods to treat their diseases. Among various physiotherapy, sports medicine and pain therapy methods, acupuncture plays an important role. This ancient science and technique originates in China but is now learnt and practiced across the globe. Whether you are learning it to start your own acupuncture clinic or to treat yourself and your family, using a good set of acupuncture needles is important for you.
Where areacupuncture supplies sold?
Bigger pharmacies may sell acupuncture needles. You can visit some pharmacies nearby and ask. But the most convenient way is to make purchases over the Internet. You can find different kinds of acupuncture needleson eBay and other e-commerce shops. There are many special acupuncture e-commerce shops. You can find not only needles, but other acupuncture supplies such as electrical stimulators, electrical point finders,acupuncture equipment, etc. You should check whether the acupuncture needles are disposable or not. Disposable needles are already disinfected and sterile. You use them and throw them away. Non-disposable needles should be disinfected before use.
What needles should I choose?
What kind of needles you will buy depends on the exact type of treatment you need. If you are a therapist, you probably already know how to use needles to treat various illnesses. You will need a lot of needles in different length, diameters, and possibly different metals. There are copper handle ones and silver handle ones. Disposable needles are generally made of stainless steel. Given the many contagious diseases in the world, sterile and disposable acupuncture needles are preferred to non-disposable ones. If you are an amateur but decide to buy needles to give yourself an acupuncture treatment, you had better refer to a book about acupuncture, then you will know what needles you should buy.
How about other stuff related to acupuncture?
Since acupuncture works through stimulating the points and meridians, we can use modern technology to assist the stimulation. Traditionally, doctors rotate the needles left and right to stimulate the points, now there are electric stimulators available in most acupuncture supplies shops. They are appropriate for treating some diseases, but not for all. You should do the necessary research before you use electro acupuncture methods. Moreover,if you don't have enough experience, you can use an electric point finder to help you locate the points accurately.
Some advice
In order to perform acupuncture therapy successfully, you should insert the needles in the correct point locations, and insert them in the right way. You may need different types of needles when treating specific parts of the body, such as ears. The best way is to get a book and read about the acupuncture treatment routines for different kinds of common diseases. Generally the books will tell you what kind of needles you will need. Some online acupuncture supplies store also sell books about acupuncture and other physiotherapy techniques.

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