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Lunch Box Ideas for the Office

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    • Leftovers from last night's dinner are always an easy option for tomorrow's lunch. Make a few extra servings at night so there is plenty to be packed in a lunchbox the following day. For proper food safety, it is important to remember that cold dishes should be kept cold until you're ready to eat. According to Cheap Cooking, small ice packs can help keep food chilly until lunch time. A thermos can help keep dishes such as soups or chili hot.


    • Revamp a sandwichsandwich image by monregard from

      Although eating a sandwich day after day can get old, there are ways to mix it up. For instance, consider experimenting with different types of bread. Bagels, dinner rolls and fajita wraps can spice up a boring sandwich. Another alternative is to omit the lunch meat and opt instead for leftover meat such as chicken or ham that has been sliced up.

      A twist to the bacon sandwich is to place sliced avocados and crumbled bacon between slices of a ciabatta roll. For a vegetarian style sandwich, try mashed bananas and finely chopped dates on a bagel. For a more traditional approach, tuna or chicken salad sandwiches are popular choices; however, mix it up a bit and use a tortilla. For a more healthful choice, use mini pitas, cut them in half and stuff them with a favorite filling. According to The Worldwide Gourmet, mini pitas have fewer calories than normal bread.


    • Side dishes or smaller snacks are perfect opportunities to incorporate healthful items into a lunchbox. For instance, take some favorite fruits, cut them in chunks, and place them on a skewer for the perfect fruit kebob. Finger vegetables such as olives or carrots are great choices for those who want a healthful side with lunch. Yogurt and granola are two more great choices packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, according to Natural Mom Recipes. Mix nuts and dried fruit for a nice afternoon snack.


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