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How to Honor Chinese Parents

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    • 1). Make sure you spend Chinese New Year with your parents. No matter if you live in Beijing and your parents are in Beibei, be there. The new year is the most important celebration, both in China and for Chinese people who live overseas. It is auspicious to spend it with your parents.

    • 2). Book your tickets for all festivals -- lantern festival, spring festival and Qingming festival -- well in advance. The airports, bus depots and train stations are jam-packed at this time, so try to go a day or so early so that you can spend more time with your parents.

    • 3). Listen to what your parents tell you to do. If you don't follow their advice, people will think that you are disrespectful, and this is a serious sin in China.

    • 4). Realize that your mother-in-law is a very important person, if you are female. She must be treated like your own mother. Be sure to show her unconditional respect and your life will be much easier.

    • 5). Live close to your parents. Now that jobs are no longer assigned by the work units in China, it is possible to find work nearer to your parents' house so that you can help them with daily tasks such as shopping or sweeping.

    • 6). Realize that with the one-child-per-family policy, your parents are dependent on you to help make their later years easier. They looked after you as a child, and now they expect that you will honor them in return.

    • 7). See what your parents need and do it without being asked. If their television isn't working, for example, have it fixed. If your mother needs wool to knit a sweater, buy it for her.


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