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Ways to Increase a Child's Attention Span

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    Limit TV and Video Games

    • TV shows and video games distract children of all ages, keeping them from things like homework. If a child plays video games first instead of tackling homework, it's more difficult to refocus attention. When he starts homework, he may still think about the video game or TV show he was watching. Set a limit on the time for TV and video games, The Parents Zone suggests.

    Practice with Hobbies

    • The child's hobbies that require sitting and focusing provide one way to expand her attention span, BabyCenter says. Choose an activity like coloring, board games, puzzles or reading. Sit with your child as she does the selected activity. Shutting off the TV and removing other distractions helps her keep her focus. If she becomes distracted, help her refocus her attention on the activity. Aim for at least 15 minutes without a break. Daily practice with entertaining activities helps your child improve. Over time, extend the practice times to longer periods without breaks.

    Create a Routine

    • A regular schedule gets your child into a routine at home. When he knows what to expect, he's prepared for activities like studying that require him to focus his attention. Keep the order of the schedule the same each day. For example, schedule homework time right after dinner so your child is fueled with a nutritious dinner. Your child knows what to expect and can go directly to his homework area. If your child struggles with following the routine, use a timer to help him learn how long he needs to do a particular activity.

    Set Goals

    • A slow increase of the child's attention span allows her to improve without pushing her too hard. Set goals to help move her further in her focus, The Parents Zone suggests. A goal chart to track her progress helps motivate her. Praise her efforts and establish a reward system to celebrate accomplishments and encourage continued success.


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