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"Karma" The Meditation Starts Creating the Manifestation

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If pear trees can only produce pears, what fruitful thoughts and actions are you producing?
This simple yet profound rule goes unrealized by many because no one wants to willingly sign off on the fact that their life could be suffering some short comings due to their own thoughts, beliefs and actions.Now just take a moment and look at your life as it stands right now and if you search your heart truly you will see that every part of it down to your occupation, life style, and significant other is a direct result of what you believed you could have. The fact will always remain that what you think about your bring about. The meditation is the prelude to the manifestation.You may have developed the habit of thinking that life is unkind. You may not be getting all that you truly desire. This is a good time to think about how much fairness you have been giving. You may not be receiving enough fairness because you have not been offering enough to others.While receiving good things and positive experiences is always pleasant, it does require a balance. If you wish to have the awesome experience of receiving, you also need to be excited to give. Perhaps it is your own karma that has been making the difference between enjoying a life of abundance and being in the position of settling for less.Karma does not involve a grudging sacrifice. If you do not give without stings attached, it does not count. The best way to look at giving is for it to come from your heart. Whether you give your time, material goods, friendship, or some other kind of blessing, when your heart is truly in giving that is when the blessings will come back to you.Positive karma comes from giving with joy. Whatever you give to others or do for others, being happy about doing it is what matters the most. No matter what you happen to be giving, think about it like offering someone a gift. They will know if it comes joyfully from your heart by the way in which you express it. When you honestly express that you are delighted to give, they will be delighted to accept it.When you make a habit of giving, you can prepare yourself for the habit of receiving. Karma can work in so many amazing ways. If you are giving as much as you can to others, you can prepare yourself to receive abundance in return. Life does not need to be a matter of settling for less; it can be all you have ever dreamed of, and more. Karma has a special way of ensuring that you will receive as much as you give. Heartfelt giving is the key to a life of abundance.

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