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Natural Cure For Urinary Tract Infections In Children

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I started learning about the benefits of D-Mannose one day while researching for a way to naturally cure a urinary tract infection in my 9 month old daughter Olivia.
Previously that day, I had taken her in to the pediatrician for high fevers, we're talking over 104, that we just couldn't seem to get rid of.
We didn't know why she was getting such high fevers and worse, why the fevers kept coming back.
She had no other symptoms, no diarrhea, no vomiting she was keeping everything down just fine.
The only symptom she had was the reoccurring high fevers.
After routinely checking Olivia, the dr.
suspected either a urinary tract infection or a viral infection.
She then proceeded to explain to me she would need to administer a catheter to check Olivia's urine for the infection.
With reservations, I agreed.
To make a long story short, she ended up screaming and peeing all over herself as well as the nurse and the doctor.
To make matters worse they didn't even get the urine sample! It was a horrible experience, one of which I vowed never let her go through again.
The pediatrician then stated that if her fevers come back over the weekend, that I would need to bring Olivia back in on Monday, at that point they would again try to get a urine sample, with the catheter.
I said no thank you! I came home extremely frustrated with no answers.
After getting her home and cleaning her up in the bath, I went online to see what I could find out about UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) in children.
I was surprised to see they are pretty common, more common than I expected.
Nearly all UTI's are caused by bacteria infections.
Newborns and infants may show no symptoms other than a fever, whereas older children have pain or burning during urination, which of course in infants you'll never know they are having pain since they are too young to really tell you what's going on.
Though one other symptom in infants besides the fevers are not eating well, crabby, or looking sluggish.
Now, about D-Mannose.
D-Mannose is a simple sugar that occurs naturally in various plant sources.
It is found in cranberry juice but not in high enough concentrations.
Though it did come to my mind to give her cranberry juice, after reading all the information, I realized It wouldn't be as effective as the D-Mannose.
Not to mention cranberry juice contains high amounts of fructose and is rather acidic.
The D-Mannose works by attaching to harmful bacteria in the urinary tract, preventing them from attaching to the mucosal lining of the bladder and causing an infection.
The body then eliminates them naturally during urination.
It does not disrupt the body's normal processes and unlike antibiotics, it will not create a bacterial resistance problem since it simply to the bonds to the bacteria rather than killing them.
D-Mannose is completely safe for children and pregnant women with no known side effects.
You can get it in powder form, which makes it very convenient for children.
You can easily find this product at most health food stores.
For adults, AIM has CranVerry+ which is a concentrated cranberry, mangosteen, resveratrol, beta glucanase capsules that does WONDERS for urinary tract infection and yeast.
One capsule is equal to 7 glasses of cranberry juice with no sugar.
It's a great product for both preventing an infection and getting rid of an infection.

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