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Weight Loss Ontario - Avoid Overtraining

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Interested in losing weight? You're not alone. There are many people interested in weight loss Ontario. Whether it's a few pounds or 50 pounds, losing weight can be difficult. For any healthy weight loss, working out is important. It helps to burn calories, which leads to fat loss. However, one thing that people don't think about is overtraining. Yes, you can actually work out too much. Overtraining can come with a variety of significant problems. So, here is a look at overtraining, the symptoms, dangers, how much you should train, and the importance of rest so you can avoid this problem.

Symptoms of Overtraining

When it comes to overtraining, there are a variety of different symptoms that can come along with this problem. Here are a few of the symptoms that you need to watch out for that can clue you in that you are overtraining.

- constant hunger
- craving sweet things
- overeating on a regular basis
- problems sleeping
- injuries when working out
- constant thirst
- decrease in strength
- joint and muscle pain
- lack of motivation
- constantly feeling fatigued

These are just a few of the symptoms to watch out for. If you are feeling a combination of these symptoms, over training may be your problem. These are signs that you need to cut back.

Dangers of Overtraining

There are definitely some dangers that can come with overtraining. Not only can they cause you to experience uncomfortable symptoms, but you may end up dealing with Overtraining Syndrome, which is a condition that leads to higher levels of cortisol in the body. This actually can break down the muscles and lead to gaining fat - something you don't want to do when you are trying to lose weight. You'll definitely find that not only is overtraining dangerous to your health, but it can bring about the opposite effects that you are striving for.

How Much Should You Train?

So, you may be wondering, how much should you train to avoid overtraining? Well, usually it is best to train about 3-5 times a week. You should not be training more than 5 times a week, since this will lead to too much strain on your body. Workouts should never last more than an hour either. After about 50 minutes you can over tax the joints and muscles and your routine will not be effective anymore.

Adding Rest to Your Weight Loss Routine

While working out is important for losing weight, plenty of rest is actually important as well. Not getting the rest that you need can lead to weight gain instead of weight loss. Instead of over training, you need to make sure that you are getting rest. If you are training hard for weight loss, take a day off in between your workouts. Make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep at night. This allows your body can rejuvenate and repair itself, for the best weight loss results.

Overtraining can be a serious problem. If you are interested in weight loss Ontario, this is a huge pitfall that you need to avoid. Make sure that you are sensible in your workouts when you are trying to lose weight. Overdoing it will only cause negative results and you won't lose the weight that you want to. So, don't think that working out more can make you lose more weight. In the end overtraining will only end up hurting your health and will dampen your results.

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