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How Often Are You Hypnotized?

103 21
When I was a kid I was hugely attracted to the idea of hypnosis.
Being able to use some normal sounding language to covertly put somebody under a spell seemed incredibly appealing to me.
Of course, being a kid, and not having very much experience in the world, I really didn't know that meant.
I didn't have much idea about free will or personal choice.
Nor did I realize that hypnosis is a two way street.
All I knew was what I'd seen on TV and in the movies.
Some guy would swing his watch or wave his hands, say some seemingly normal sounding words, and the person he or she was talking to would automatically start obeying their every command.
"Yes master.
" Especially when they were done, they would have no recollection of what happened.
I thought this would be a great way to "play with people" without getting into trouble.
When most people think of hypnosis, they tend to think of somebody who's "awake," and then using hypnosis to put them to "sleep" and then while they are "asleep" they give them a bunch of commands.
Like to quit smoking, or walk around and cluck like a chicken, or become sexually attracted to them.
However this presumes that there are two states of the human mind.
Under hypnosis, and not under hypnosis.
I'm not sure that's accurate.
In fact, some would say that we are ALWAYS under some kind of hypnotic state.
After all, our conscious minds are incredibly limited.
We can only pay attention to a small sliver of a small fraction of what's really going on.
So what does hypnosis do but simply shift our conscious focus from a mix of external and internal stimuli, to a more fully internal set of stimuli? And when you consider that what we see in the outside world is largely based on our own internal biases, memories, and limitations, most of what's going on is internal anyway.
What does this all mean? You (and me) are both the hypnotist, and he who is hypnotized.
When a hypnotist hypnotizes another, he or she is merely helping the subject hypnotize themselves.
Or rather, helping the subject shift their attention to a more useful state, so they can change or achieve whatever they want.
And when you learn to do this yourself, it can all become easy.
You can create the life you want.
Anytime, anywhere.
And when you create a life congruent with your internal triggers, you won't be swimming against the tide.
Instead, you'll be getting help from natural forces older than time itself.

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