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Positivity Through the Eyes of a Child

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As your children grow up they develop many of your characteristics.
If you are negative and lacking in confidence your offspring will more than likely follow your example and become as negative as you if not more so.
So from an early age you need to develop a positive mindset for the sake of your children thus nurturing positivity in them in their early years.
This must commence from an early age so that there is a strong foundation of positivity before they start school.
Subsequently this will given them the confidence to overcome the rigours and difficulties of early school life which to some children can be extremely traumatic and overwhelming.
It is your responsibility to give your child the best start in life that you can give them.
Therefore what better start than to instil in them the confidence and the strength to overcome the adversity that they will encounter all through their school years and as they begin the training for their chosen career.
In addition to the formal education each child receives, there are three very important subjects that you are not taught at school and on the day you leave school to follow your career path you do not know anything about them.
How to be a good parent.
How to improve your confidence and self esteem.
How to manage your finances.
To learn about these subjects you have got to possess the desire to do so and develop an unquenchable thirst for the knowledge that can be gained by reading about these matters.
As you mature and become a parent you will have learnt a lot from your own mother and father and gained knowledge from their lifetime experiences and mistakes.
Managing your finances and learning about investments and assets can be complex but in these modern times a necessity as the information acquired is essential for the best start that you can give yourself.
However developing a positive mindset and learning how to improve your confidence and self esteem can take a long time.
In some cases you will need to rid yourself of many beliefs that you have lived by for many years.
This in itself will not be easy and will take some time but the benefit to yourself and your family is immeasurable and must be addressed straightaway.

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