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What Is the Difference Between "Angry Birds Lite" & "Regular Angry Birds"?

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    Limited Game Play

    • Two significant changes in game play differentiate "Angry Birds Lite" and "Angry Birds." The first is the reduced number of levels – all 12 levels of "Angry Birds Lite" are pulled from "Angry Birds," but they are not the same as the first 12 levels of "Angry Birds." Secondly, "Angry Birds" includes five bird types while "Angry Birds Lite" offers only four.

    Game Play Description

    • In both versions of the game, the core mechanism is to pull back the slingshot containing the bird of your choice by dragging your finger on the touch screen, picking the angle at which you want to launch and letting it go. Some birds require an additional swipe of the finger to activate their special abilities, like the yellow bunker buster bird.

    In-Game Advertising

    • While "Angry Birds" must be purchased, "Angry Birds Lite" is supported by in-game advertising; logos for products appear in the background of the screen, and touching them will activate links to Web sites. This is the most noticeable visual difference between the two versions.

    Older Hardware Supported

    • The original purpose of "Angry Birds Lite" was to support older Android hardware, and older versions of the Android operating system. At the speed at which cellphone hardware improves, this is less of a concern now. The success of the advertising supported model prompted Rovio to port "Angry Birds Lite" back to iOS, and increase the number of playable levels from six to 12. The "Lite" version of the game is still recommended for old Android phones.


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