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A Home Remedy for Baby Eczema

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    Pantry Remedies

    • Oatmeal baths sooth eczema symptoms significantly.

      Your baby may love eating oatmeal in the mornings, but this breakfast can also be used topically to soothe eczema ravaged skin. Use a food processor to blend approximately two cups of oats into a powdery consistency. Pour the powder into the running water of a warm bath and stir. Your baby can enjoy an oatmeal bath for up to 15 minutes. Clean your baby with plain water and dry his or her skin. Remember, moisture makes eczema worse, so be sure to towel off the skin completely.

      Another pantry remedy is olive oil. Rub arms, legs and any other eczema-prone areas with the olive oil. Dress your baby in loose clothing made from a breathable fabric (such as cotton).

    Avoiding Foods

    • Olive oil can also be beneficial

      Many eczema sufferers have reported a change in the regularity of symptoms after cutting certain foods out of their diet. Dairy is one example. Eliminating milk products tends to calm the skin down, smooth it out and banish eczema's red patches. Reduce dairy in your baby's diet to see if it brings improvement.

    Stay Hydrated

    • Keep baby well hydrated

      When the body is performing at its best, eczema and other common skin ailments tend to subside. Proper hydration is one way to keep your body functioning at its best. Baby can dehydrate just like an adult, especially in warm weather. Keep bottled water, fruit juice or Pedialyte on hand to ensure your little one stays fully hydrated. Regular wet diapers are a good indication that baby is getting enough to drink.


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