The LUAU Of Leadership
Some of you may have read the title of this article and wondered what in the world leadership has to do with a luau.
Perhaps, the binding component is that both should bring joy and celebration to its participants (or stakeholders).
While that is indeed a factor, in my over three decades of identifying, qualifying, developing, training and consulting to over a thousand individuals in actual or potential positions of leadership, I have discovered that unless the exercise and process is fun and enjoyable to both the individual trying to lead, as well as to stakeholders, it becomes a challenging chore that might prompt avoidance rather than involvement.
Therefore, I have created this mnemonic LUAU of Leadership, to best assist those that desire to be the most meaningful leaders, to focus on certain priorities, etc.
One can never lead in any sort of real manner unless they begin with a willingness and ability to listen thoroughly and effectively, and then to transform why one hopefully hears to actually learn what is needed, and to focus on those components/ aspects.
How can anything be enjoyable or fulfilling if one merely runs around in circles and fails to accomplish, rather than prioritizing what is most meaningful or a priority for those one serves? 2.
It is never enough to simply proceed in a philosophical manner, where you hear and listen, but do so merely as an empty exercise rather than focusing on a true and thorough understanding to enhance the experiences of present and potential stakeholders.
The more a lead understands, the more capable he will become of leading in the most effective and meaningful way! 3.
One of the most essential formulas for those desirous of becoming great leaders should be: Attitude + Aptitude = Action.
A dedication, devotion and commitment to maintain a positive approach and a consistently can - do mindset, is an absolute necessity! This must be combined synergistically with developing the highest degree of effectiveness and ability, and then one must proactively take timely action towards achieving what he deems most important! 4.
What good is it to merely take any action or use any rhetoric, unless the goal, effect and impact is to be useful and to make an important difference (for the better)? One must use his best efforts on an everyday, consistent basis, and aim to avoid the mundane (or simply usual), and aim to be the genuinely unusual leader who makes a relevant, sustainable and important difference and improvement.
If you choose to lead, enjoy doing so, so you can use your maximum efforts and energies focusing on overcoming obstacles, and making your group better.
If you start by using The LUAU of Leadership, you will begin to feel more energetic and better about proceeding forward in a meaningful way.
Perhaps, the binding component is that both should bring joy and celebration to its participants (or stakeholders).
While that is indeed a factor, in my over three decades of identifying, qualifying, developing, training and consulting to over a thousand individuals in actual or potential positions of leadership, I have discovered that unless the exercise and process is fun and enjoyable to both the individual trying to lead, as well as to stakeholders, it becomes a challenging chore that might prompt avoidance rather than involvement.
Therefore, I have created this mnemonic LUAU of Leadership, to best assist those that desire to be the most meaningful leaders, to focus on certain priorities, etc.
One can never lead in any sort of real manner unless they begin with a willingness and ability to listen thoroughly and effectively, and then to transform why one hopefully hears to actually learn what is needed, and to focus on those components/ aspects.
How can anything be enjoyable or fulfilling if one merely runs around in circles and fails to accomplish, rather than prioritizing what is most meaningful or a priority for those one serves? 2.
It is never enough to simply proceed in a philosophical manner, where you hear and listen, but do so merely as an empty exercise rather than focusing on a true and thorough understanding to enhance the experiences of present and potential stakeholders.
The more a lead understands, the more capable he will become of leading in the most effective and meaningful way! 3.
One of the most essential formulas for those desirous of becoming great leaders should be: Attitude + Aptitude = Action.
A dedication, devotion and commitment to maintain a positive approach and a consistently can - do mindset, is an absolute necessity! This must be combined synergistically with developing the highest degree of effectiveness and ability, and then one must proactively take timely action towards achieving what he deems most important! 4.
What good is it to merely take any action or use any rhetoric, unless the goal, effect and impact is to be useful and to make an important difference (for the better)? One must use his best efforts on an everyday, consistent basis, and aim to avoid the mundane (or simply usual), and aim to be the genuinely unusual leader who makes a relevant, sustainable and important difference and improvement.
If you choose to lead, enjoy doing so, so you can use your maximum efforts and energies focusing on overcoming obstacles, and making your group better.
If you start by using The LUAU of Leadership, you will begin to feel more energetic and better about proceeding forward in a meaningful way.