Leaving Jehovah"s Witnesses - Will I Ever Be Happy?
These are critical times for most Jehovah's Witnesses.
After 40+ years among Jehovah's Witnesses, the majority of my adult life as a highly used elder, I don't think I've ever seen a time since the 1980's that has I could truly define as a 'crossroads' like I do now.
I was too young to remember much about the promises, innuendos and insinuations that came with the 1975 fiasco.
However, by 1995 I was a Watchtower conductor and much more educated and cognizant of the dramatic changes that were occurring in 'the organization.
' My first 'aha' moment was with the new 'generations' teaching that was subtly dropped into a study article in 1995.
(Its been changed TWICE since then).
For those unfamiliar with Jehovah's Witnesses or the 'generations' doctrine that is the backbone of their organization, the leadership in New York ('the faithful and discreet slave' and the subject of an entirely different article) has hung their hat on a comment made by Jesus Christ at Matthew 24:34...
""Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
now never mind that this comment was made to three apostles while overlooking Jerusalem, they have long stated it applied to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and it's 'anointed' members; those left on earth to be included in the 144,000 that would be king/priests in heaven.
Throwing that all away...
and despite their bold assertions in 1984 (including a Watchtower cover photo showing some of these people) that this group that saw 1914 would never completely die off (FYI, they're all dead), they have recently changed this life altering doctrine for the SIXTH TIME.
It has gotten the attention of many...
or should I say, those within the organization that actually study the Bible or literature.
Many millions do not.
They simply blindly obey.
There are many that are perfectly content to continue on in their normal weekly schedule of meetings, field service and 'personal study.
' (read: underline WT literature and answer verbatim from publications).
However, there are many that feel very uncomfortable with this latest development of yet another change.
Not to be ignored, is the recent change that only the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses (8 elderly men in Brooklyn, New York) are now to be identified as the 'faithful and discreet slave' mentioned in Matthew 24:44, 45 (try to ignore that its just a parable, NOT a prophecy!)...
to the exclusion of all other anointed Witnesses left on earth.
As many JW's minds spin on these strange 'adjustments' in thinking, almost all experience the general lack of love among the ranks.
The sense of a heavy malaise as they are told to go out and tell more people in their neighborhoods things they don't understand themselves! Young people feel neglected and picked on as they deal with very real emotions and trial & error in their road to adulthood.
Thousands are thrown out of the organization for everything from smoking to sex.
Recent developments by courts has seen a huge spotlight cast on hidden pedophiles within the walls of the organization.
There are many reasons that some consider leaving Jehovah's Witnesses.
Despite the mention of doctrinal changes above, the vast majority leave because they are tired, don't feel loved and aren't missed in their congregations.
There are a few that may leave to pursue other things in life, things that aren't approved by Jehovah's Witnesses...
but that is the minority.
How does a person leave Jehovah's Witnesses and actually attain happiness? That was a question I asked my self as I considered my own departure from the only religion I'd ever known.
How does a person deal with the emotions: fear, anger, loss and guilt? Were they even reasonable emotions considering what I knew was the truth and what was clearly not? Where would I go; who would be my friends? I wanted to focus on a happy life.
With that in mind, I sought knowledge.
I wanted concrete thoughts from God, wiser people, etc.
to fill my mind.
I would put out the effort to do just that over a 4 year period.
The result: HAPPINESS! I can assure you, by spending just 15 minutes a day on positive thoughts...
not just 'rah rah' comments, but real, concrete facts, consideration of God's personality and commands, etc...
can free you from the cognitive dissonance heaped upon each JW with a steady diet of meetings, publications, assemblies, etc.
Choose happiness!
After 40+ years among Jehovah's Witnesses, the majority of my adult life as a highly used elder, I don't think I've ever seen a time since the 1980's that has I could truly define as a 'crossroads' like I do now.
I was too young to remember much about the promises, innuendos and insinuations that came with the 1975 fiasco.
However, by 1995 I was a Watchtower conductor and much more educated and cognizant of the dramatic changes that were occurring in 'the organization.
' My first 'aha' moment was with the new 'generations' teaching that was subtly dropped into a study article in 1995.
(Its been changed TWICE since then).
For those unfamiliar with Jehovah's Witnesses or the 'generations' doctrine that is the backbone of their organization, the leadership in New York ('the faithful and discreet slave' and the subject of an entirely different article) has hung their hat on a comment made by Jesus Christ at Matthew 24:34...
""Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
now never mind that this comment was made to three apostles while overlooking Jerusalem, they have long stated it applied to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and it's 'anointed' members; those left on earth to be included in the 144,000 that would be king/priests in heaven.
Throwing that all away...
and despite their bold assertions in 1984 (including a Watchtower cover photo showing some of these people) that this group that saw 1914 would never completely die off (FYI, they're all dead), they have recently changed this life altering doctrine for the SIXTH TIME.
It has gotten the attention of many...
or should I say, those within the organization that actually study the Bible or literature.
Many millions do not.
They simply blindly obey.
There are many that are perfectly content to continue on in their normal weekly schedule of meetings, field service and 'personal study.
' (read: underline WT literature and answer verbatim from publications).
However, there are many that feel very uncomfortable with this latest development of yet another change.
Not to be ignored, is the recent change that only the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses (8 elderly men in Brooklyn, New York) are now to be identified as the 'faithful and discreet slave' mentioned in Matthew 24:44, 45 (try to ignore that its just a parable, NOT a prophecy!)...
to the exclusion of all other anointed Witnesses left on earth.
As many JW's minds spin on these strange 'adjustments' in thinking, almost all experience the general lack of love among the ranks.
The sense of a heavy malaise as they are told to go out and tell more people in their neighborhoods things they don't understand themselves! Young people feel neglected and picked on as they deal with very real emotions and trial & error in their road to adulthood.
Thousands are thrown out of the organization for everything from smoking to sex.
Recent developments by courts has seen a huge spotlight cast on hidden pedophiles within the walls of the organization.
There are many reasons that some consider leaving Jehovah's Witnesses.
Despite the mention of doctrinal changes above, the vast majority leave because they are tired, don't feel loved and aren't missed in their congregations.
There are a few that may leave to pursue other things in life, things that aren't approved by Jehovah's Witnesses...
but that is the minority.
How does a person leave Jehovah's Witnesses and actually attain happiness? That was a question I asked my self as I considered my own departure from the only religion I'd ever known.
How does a person deal with the emotions: fear, anger, loss and guilt? Were they even reasonable emotions considering what I knew was the truth and what was clearly not? Where would I go; who would be my friends? I wanted to focus on a happy life.
With that in mind, I sought knowledge.
I wanted concrete thoughts from God, wiser people, etc.
to fill my mind.
I would put out the effort to do just that over a 4 year period.
The result: HAPPINESS! I can assure you, by spending just 15 minutes a day on positive thoughts...
not just 'rah rah' comments, but real, concrete facts, consideration of God's personality and commands, etc...
can free you from the cognitive dissonance heaped upon each JW with a steady diet of meetings, publications, assemblies, etc.
Choose happiness!