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Tasting Notes and Review of Orlio Organic"s Seasonal India Pale Ale

106 23 Rating

The Bottom Line

Orlio has produced a pretty straight ahead American India Pale Ale with this seasonal brew. It is full of the citrusy hop flavor that is characteristic of American IPAs. Very refreshing, this would make a great summertime sipper.

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  • Generous hops
  • Very clean flavor

  • Hardly any balancing malt

  • Organic ale
  • 5.6% ABV
  • American India Pale Ale

Guide Review - Tasting Notes and Review of Orlio Organic's Seasonal India Pale Ale

Orlio's IPS pours hazy with a wheat colored body. There is a very slight head which falls rapidly. Its aroma has nothing but citrusy hops as far as the nose can smell. The flavor is about the same, packed with sharp hops and very little balancing malt. A lingering bitterness hangs around in the mouth long after the swallow.

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