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How to Stop Mold Growth on Bread

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    • 1). Cool homemade bread completely before storing, packing or freezing it. If you package bread while it is still warm, the steam that is produced will be trapped inside and turn into condensation, thus making the bread soggy and eventually lead to mold. Bread should ideally cool for two to three hours before being wrapped in any kind of plastic.

    • 2). Package the bread. To keep moisture from getting to bread, it must be packaged in an airtight plastic wrapping. Plastic cling wrap, zip locking plastic bags, and even the bread's original store packaging all work. If using the store packaging, make sure to reattach the twist tie after each use. It is a good idea to use a second container or wrapping if using either plastic cling wrap or store package. This could either be a plastic locking container, large zip locking bag, aluminum foil (for plastic cling wrap only)or a plastic grocery sack wrapped around tightly.

    • 3). Store the wrapped bread in a cool dry location. Bread will last up to a week at room temperature as long as it is kept away from moisture and air--air does not cause mold but it does cause dry-out which also ruins a loaf. In low moisture climates with proper wrapping, sliced or non-sliced bread can last up to two weeks. A bread drawer, bread box, or dish cabinet are all possible locations. Keep it out of the sun and away from the window and sink.

    • 4). Freeze the bread if you will not be consuming it in a timely manner or if you live in a region with high humidity. Bread will not grow mold in the freezer, so your main concern with freezing bread is to protect it from freezer burn. Place it either in a heavy duty freezer plastic zip locking bag or leave it in its original packaging. Bolster it by wrapping it in a plastic grocery bag or a plastic snap locking container.


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