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Health Lessons For An Addiction Free Life

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Nowadays, many people are struggling with various types of addictions.
People do not only become addicted to drugs and alcohol, they also develop dependence on internet, shopping, food, TV, computer games and others.
People with addictions cannot control themselves no matter how serious the consequences of their behavior are.
Addicts become totally different persons, destroying their lives and making their relatives and friends suffer.
Genes and social environment are among the most important risks of addiction; other factors associated to this problem are: an intense childhood trauma, mental or health disorders or even the difficulty to cope with stress.
Today, addicts who want their lives back can receive proper help in a special drug rehab clinic in London.
With professional help, a lot of ambition and the support of the loved ones, anyone can get sober.
But, according to an old saying, it is better to prevent than to cure.
One of the things that addicts learn in rehab is to try to have a balanced lifestyle.
The need to take drugs or drink heavily usually comes from a lack of personal satisfaction that the addict tries to compensate.
If we make sure we get satisfaction from our work, our hobbies or our relationships, there are little chances of becoming addicted to substances or develop obsessive behavioral patterns.
To have a healthy, happy life, try to follow some simple rules: Do not be an overachiever or a perfectionist.
Don't punish yourself for every small mistake you make as nobody expects you to be perfect.
Listen to music, do yoga, draw or dance if it makes you feel good.
Get in touch with your friends as often as possible and talk to them whenever you have a problem.
Eat healthy food and drink plenty of water for a good hydration.
Daily physical activity will strengthen your body and your mind.
A team sport will also give you the opportunity to make new friends.
Dance classes may increase your chances of meeting the love of your life.
Get involved in pleasant activities and you will never feel the urge to drink or take drugs.
Life is beautiful, we only have to discover it.

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