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How Can I Change Bad Habits?

103 20
Our habits can, and mostly do, put us on auto-pilot.
That's their job.
Actually that is the brain doing what it is designed to do...
we just call them habits.
We respond fairly predictably to all things since we were very young because of what we have learned and this learning forms habits.
This all happens automatically.
It is the way the brain is designed.
Simply there are things we like...
we prefer this to that and so forth.
When we think the same thoughts and do things over and over, they invariably become habits.
We lock them into our brain by automatically programming them.
It is done for us, seemingly without effort.
You change habits the same way you got them in the first place.
You got them by focussing your attention upon something, a thought or an action and it became automatic.
Like learning to drive a car, or simply riding a bike.
It took a few attempts but basically you learned the behaviour by focussing your attention upon it.
Once the action is learned, it becomes automatic, a habit so to speak.
Habits are automatic responses that use energy.
An understanding of that process is also helpful.
As we are made of energy, billions of particles put together, so are our thoughts and what we say.
We create our day conversation by conversation.
If we have the same conversations to others, and more importantly the same conversations to ourselves (via our thoughts) then we will create a very similar result.
It creates habits, good or bad ones.
Here is a Universal Law...
"Energy in motion tends to stay in motion".
So the same energy applied over time becomes a habit.
And so it is with you (and me!) To change our focus, to get a new habit and to change our results to what we want..
larger amounts of energy are required.
That doesn't mean you have to run a marathon, or go on a diet or do 100 sit-ups each morning.
In fact you don't have to do anything.
First, physically stop...
and stop all the "chatter in your head".
To change your focus, and re-direct your larger amounts of energy, you simply focus your thoughts more clearly for longer periods of time.
That is where your energy begins to impact upon creating new habits and more desired results and put you in the direction you want to go (or be).
The physical journey...
the actual doing by you is where the enjoyment lies.
If you are not enjoying the physical journey, than you are likely to be "off-track" and you are being continually told so...
not by me in this email, but by your own feelings.
From the desk of "estrategist"

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