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Is Your Dog or Cat Experiencing Anxiety? Pet Calm For Pets Relieves Acute Symptoms of Nervousnes

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Anxiety and stress are not just problems for people. Cats and dogs also suffer from anxiety when they are under stress. Many external sources can cause anxiety responses in pets, and while it may not be feasible to take a dog to a psychologist or to give your cat a prescription anti-anxiety medication, there are natural approaches that can help with symptoms of anxiety in cat and dogs. One approach is to use an herbal preparation such as Pet Calm for pets with anxiety.

You can help control symptoms of anxiety in your pet by identifying the cause of the anxiety. For example, a common reason for anxiety in cats is the stress of moving to a new location. Cats can also be stressed by the introduction of a new person or pet into the household. Similarly, the loss of a family member or other pet to whom the cat was attached can cause anxiety. Cats are basically creatures of habit and routine so, any kind of change can cause them to feel anxious. Other situations that can cause anxiety in cats include strangers in the home, excessive or loud noises or seeing a strange cat or other animal through a window. Cats also suffer from separation anxiety. While many people associated this type of anxiety more with dogs and believe that cats do not mind being left alone, the reality is that many cats can and do become anxious if they are left alone for long periods of time.

Dogs experience similar stressors. They may be stressed by encounters with other dogs, especially bigger dogs. Dogs may also become anxious when they hear loud noises. Like cats, dogs that have lost a family member or other companion will also become anxious, and of course, any dog or cat who is subjected to abuse or neglect is very likely to suffer from anxiety. Dogs also become anxious when they are left alone for long periods of time.

There are signs you can observe to determine whether your cat or dog is suffering from anxiety. Cats, for example, may stop using their litter box or may hide for long periods of time, refusing to come out even to eat. Dogs may bark excessively or become aggressive. They may also engage in destructive behaviors such as chewing furniture or clothing.

If your dog or cat suffers from anxiety, you may fear that you will never have a happy and calm pet. There is no need to assume that anxiety in a cat or dog is a permanent condition, however. Canine anxiety treatment is quite effective, and anxious cats can be treated successfully as well. A natural approach to treating anxiety is the herbal preparation Pet Calm for pets.


This herbal preparation contains ingredients such as scullteria, passiflora and arg nit, all of which are thought to calm the nervous system. It also contains kali phos for maintaining nervous system balance. PetCalm is safe and effective, and the best of all is that it is free of certain substances that can be detrimental to your pet's health. Find out more about these elements at, Pet Calm for pets [].

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