Resolutions and New Years
The time draws near when we begin to evaluate ourselves, and our accomplishments as well as our failures.
After our Christmas we begin to ponder deeply on these things.
The question begins with: "What is your New Year's Resolutions?" Can we honestly answer this question? The definition of resolution states that it is the act or process of reducing to a simpler form or of answering or solving a problem.
Does that sound like our meaning to the question about "New Years Resolutions?" If we take a look at the root word of resolution that word is resolve.
Resolve means to break up separate, put a light on the subject, to make clear, to deal with successfully.
In order to make a resolution then we must resolve to break the problem, situation or opinion.
Really, think about the meanings above and ponder this for a minute or two.
Does the definition about a "New Year's Resolution" typically what we think of? Suppose we change the wording from resolution to attraction.
So instead of the statement "New Year's Resolution" we ask what are we going to attract this coming year? The emphasis and energy shifts from a problem, to attracting what you want.
This attraction is not just about things or money, and this can be about attracting positive behaviors.
Ah ha! This might be new to you, by just a simple act of changing the wording will enhance your New Years thoughts.
You have exchanged a problem with an attraction.
Wording and the use of words play an important aspect to our own behavior as well as others.
The goal is to attract our desires, which could be behavior but not excluding things.
The "Law of Attraction" basically states that what we put our vibrations and thoughts on we attract.
Think about this comment: "I resolve to quit smoking.
" The problem is smoking.
The resolution is to quit.
You are sending yourselves a message of negativity.
Your brain hears the word "smoking", and so your brain thinks "hey, let's smoke.
" (That is a very simplistic statement, but it is true.
) The proposal is to write down everything you want to attract in the upcoming New Year.
For example; "I am attracting a healthy lifestyle, by breathing in clean air.
" or "I want to attract more customers and show a higher profit margin.
" "I want to attract a healthy weight and lifestyle.
" Now that you've looked at these statements do you see or understand the difference? There is an energy shift when you start attracting what you want and desire.
This energy is much different than finding a resolution to a problem.
Not everything we need to change is a problem.
Let's really put into practice that universal law, "The Law of Attraction.
" Every year for the past 10 years, I began writing down in the back of my journals what I wanted to attract for the upcoming New Year.
I started very simply with some things that I needed for myself, and a few "things" I'd like to have.
Then when the end of that year came, I would look back at my journal and to my surprise I found that I had attracted the very things I put down in my journal.
This was amazing to me.
I had never heard or studied "The Law of Attraction.
" I was very skeptical when I wrote down the things I wanted to attract.
I had no idea that this concept would work.
You have a choice, you can either resolve a problem or set a resolution or you can attract what you desire.
Me, I have chosen to attract my desires.
Sometimes, I don't attract everything I have written down, but I attract most of them.
After reflection and if I still want that desire, then I move it to the next year's list of attractions.
What we put our thoughts into is what we will obtain.
I personally believe that using "The Law of Attraction" is better than having a "New Year's Resolution.
" Have a great New Year and may you attract the desires of your heart.
After our Christmas we begin to ponder deeply on these things.
The question begins with: "What is your New Year's Resolutions?" Can we honestly answer this question? The definition of resolution states that it is the act or process of reducing to a simpler form or of answering or solving a problem.
Does that sound like our meaning to the question about "New Years Resolutions?" If we take a look at the root word of resolution that word is resolve.
Resolve means to break up separate, put a light on the subject, to make clear, to deal with successfully.
In order to make a resolution then we must resolve to break the problem, situation or opinion.
Really, think about the meanings above and ponder this for a minute or two.
Does the definition about a "New Year's Resolution" typically what we think of? Suppose we change the wording from resolution to attraction.
So instead of the statement "New Year's Resolution" we ask what are we going to attract this coming year? The emphasis and energy shifts from a problem, to attracting what you want.
This attraction is not just about things or money, and this can be about attracting positive behaviors.
Ah ha! This might be new to you, by just a simple act of changing the wording will enhance your New Years thoughts.
You have exchanged a problem with an attraction.
Wording and the use of words play an important aspect to our own behavior as well as others.
The goal is to attract our desires, which could be behavior but not excluding things.
The "Law of Attraction" basically states that what we put our vibrations and thoughts on we attract.
Think about this comment: "I resolve to quit smoking.
" The problem is smoking.
The resolution is to quit.
You are sending yourselves a message of negativity.
Your brain hears the word "smoking", and so your brain thinks "hey, let's smoke.
" (That is a very simplistic statement, but it is true.
) The proposal is to write down everything you want to attract in the upcoming New Year.
For example; "I am attracting a healthy lifestyle, by breathing in clean air.
" or "I want to attract more customers and show a higher profit margin.
" "I want to attract a healthy weight and lifestyle.
" Now that you've looked at these statements do you see or understand the difference? There is an energy shift when you start attracting what you want and desire.
This energy is much different than finding a resolution to a problem.
Not everything we need to change is a problem.
Let's really put into practice that universal law, "The Law of Attraction.
" Every year for the past 10 years, I began writing down in the back of my journals what I wanted to attract for the upcoming New Year.
I started very simply with some things that I needed for myself, and a few "things" I'd like to have.
Then when the end of that year came, I would look back at my journal and to my surprise I found that I had attracted the very things I put down in my journal.
This was amazing to me.
I had never heard or studied "The Law of Attraction.
" I was very skeptical when I wrote down the things I wanted to attract.
I had no idea that this concept would work.
You have a choice, you can either resolve a problem or set a resolution or you can attract what you desire.
Me, I have chosen to attract my desires.
Sometimes, I don't attract everything I have written down, but I attract most of them.
After reflection and if I still want that desire, then I move it to the next year's list of attractions.
What we put our thoughts into is what we will obtain.
I personally believe that using "The Law of Attraction" is better than having a "New Year's Resolution.
" Have a great New Year and may you attract the desires of your heart.