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What to Look For in the Best Moisturizers For Dry Skin

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The best moisturizers for dry skin should be a part of your daily skin care. You really shouldn't have to buy a separate moisturizer to use every day, in addition to your main skin care product.

The ingredients are always the most important thing to know about moisturizers for dry skin. After a lot of searching, I've found a daily skin product that has wonderful moisturizing ingredients. And every couple of weeks, I give myself, my face and neck a bonus with the best face moisturizer I've ever found -- the only face mask I have ever liked.

The skin care industry is changing, as research discovers ingredients that have outstanding effectiveness. Here are some cutting-edge ingredients that make a big difference in the best moisturizers for dry skin:

-- Cynergy TK is a patented ingredient that is a wonderful moisturizer. It penetrates deeply into the skin, and forms an invisible barrier to retain moisture.

-- Phytessence Wakame is an extract of sea kelp natvie to the Sea of Japan. The Japanese have been eating wakame both fresh and dried for centuries for many healthful properties, including its ability to keep the skin looking young and beautiful.

Wakame is rich in calcium, iron, sodium and potassium, essential minerals for maintaining the skin's moisture balance.

Phytessence Wakame, the extract, also inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in the skin. Hyaluronic acid can be considered the glue that holds the essential proteins elastin and collagen together to maintain the skin's elasticity, smoothness and tone.

We all tend to lose elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid as we age -- all big contributors to dry skin. Cynergy TK is a wonderful stimulator to the skin to produce its own collagen and elastin.

The best moisturizers for dry skin should include outstanding natural emollients, too -- oils that are non pore clogging. Here are a few that I highly recommend:

-- Babassu, a light, natural wax made from the kernel of the fruit of the Babassu palm, native to the Amazon region of Brazil. Babassu oil is beneficial for both dry and oily complexions, moisturizing the skin without making it oily.

-- Grapeseed oil is rich in linoleic acid and several other essential oils which are necessary for skin health; and it's a powerful antioxidant.

-- Crodamol OP is another light emollient which softens and soothes your skin without blocking your pores.

Not surprisingly, I find many of these ingredients in both the best skin care product I've ever used, and the occasional masks I use as bonus face moisturizers.

See my website for more suggestions on the best moisturizers for dry skin.

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