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How to Create the Perfect Announcements for Your Newborn

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You want the perfect gift for your newborn; one that will last a lifetime.
Choosing that perfect gift is not always an easy task.
Photo baby announcements are the most popular, unique way to announce your great news! Photo birth announcements are the perfect way to spread the good news, and share your baby's name and the specifics of your child's birth with your family, friends and associates.
In the past, new parents celebrated the birth of their child by passing out cigars.
Well, times have changed!These personalized cards are becoming a popular way of sharing the new member of your family with your loved ones.
Photo Baby Announcements The first thing to keep in mind is that not only will you be giving a great gift to your friends and family; you will be giving your child something they will cherish for years to come.
You will want to be sure that you are happy with all the functions of your announcement before getting them made.
Please read the tips below.
Proper Etiquette for Photo Birth Announcements It's important to use proper etiquette when sending your cards.
You will want to be sure to send them as soon following the birth.
The standard information to include is the parent names, baby's name(s), date, weight, and length.
It's not necessary to include a special note or hand sign the card.
Your loved ones understand how busy new parents are!Finally, do not include your registry information.
Let the recipients decide whether to buy a present or not.
Sending Photo Birth Announcements Start planning your announcements one month before your due date.
At that time you should compile a list of names and addresses of people you want to send your announcements to.
Also, decide what exactly what type of card you would like to send and what information you want to provide.
You will want to decide on a design, layout and colors.
Once your baby is born, take a digital photo of your child and you are ready to spread your happy news!

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