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Special Education Basics

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Lesson 11: PLP

An accurate and realistic depiction of your child's Present Level of Performance should be the starting point for any good IEP. Find out what it is, or should be, so you know what to look for.

Lesson 12: PWN

With behavioral issues and questions of progress on the table, it's important for parents to be in on any decisions about a child's special education program. That's why IDEA requires that your district has to give you Prior Written Notice before any changes are made. Learn why they can't just pull a fast one. Then take a quick quiz to see what you learned in Lessons 9-12.

Lesson 13: Paraprofessionals

Those tireless and underpaid special education workers you may formerly have known as aides can make a lot of difference in how your child survives in the classroom. Read a definition to learn more about what it takes to do the job.

Lesson 14: Classroom Placements

Whatever the prevailing wisdom in your district, community, support group or e-mail list, the Least Restrictive Environment for your child is as individual as everything else in the IEP. Compare four different special education placements to help you decide which one's most appropriate for your child.

Lesson 15: The IEE

An Independent Educational Evaluation is your testing of last resort when your school district is either unwilling or unable to accurately judge your child's special educational needs. Learn what it is and why you'd want one.

Lesson 16: NCLB

No Child Left Behind was intended to ensure a better education for all students, but many parents and teachers feel that it dooms students with special needs to failure. Find out more about it and draw your own conclusions. Then take a quick quiz to test your knowledge of the material in Lessons 13-16.

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