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How Many Times Do You Need to Quit Smoking Before You Quit? The Missing Ingredient!

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You read the title right, how many times do you need to quit before you do quit? Most people who plan to quit smoking actually underestimate how hard it can be to kick the habit.
Smoking is an addictive habit.
That is, it is both an addiction to nicotine and also a habit that you get into.
To successfully stop smoking requires a lot more than just pure will power.
Relying on will power alone will make your task much harder.
What you need is a plan.
A plan simply means that you consider all the options available to you and that you take a multi-directional approach to task.
This means, in addition to having great will power you use anything else at your disposal to help you succeed.
This will be in various forms, including the use of nicotine replacement patches or gums, having great family support and socialising with those who will not tempt you back into the habit.
If you do not plan for all aspects of quitting smoking like your environment, then you can very easily fall into temptation of smoking again.
Consider your circle of friends.
If they are not supportive of you quitting smoking and smoking around you, then how will you cope when they are smoking and blowing smoke into your face when you are trying to quit? One of the important things you need to do is get your circle of friends and family on board and have an agreement that they will not smoke around you and that they will not offer you a cigarette, even for a joke!  Proper planning, is often overlooked as a factor to succeeding on stopping smoking [http://www.
org], if you plan properly then you can deal with situations that you know will arise more easily than if you hadn't planned.

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